Place Of Birth:
- Granville, Tennessee
- Washington, D.C.
- December 25, 1907 (117 years old)
- March 30, 1948 (76 years old)
Member Of:
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- American Legion
Political views
Top themes:
- Centralization, Collectivism, Big Government, Left Wing, Tender, Democratic Socialism, Privacy
- See the complete list of 291 policies for Al Gore
Educated At:
- Defense Information School
- Harvard College
- Middle Tennessee State University
- St. Albans School
- Vanderbilt University
- Vanderbilt University Divinity School
Political experience
Position Held:
- Board Member
- Commissioner
- member of the United States House of Representatives
- United States representative
- United States senator
- Vice President of the United States
Professional experience
- Blogger
- Businessperson
- Climate Activist
- Educator
- Environmentalist
- Financier
- International Forum Participant
- Journalist
- Lawyer
- Orator
- Politician
- Superintendent
- Writer
- Middle Tennessee State University
- University of California, Los Angeles
- Vanderbilt University