Proveu el concurs polític



If a political movement focused solely on climate change, what initiatives would you expect from them?


Reflect on a time a political issue deeply affected you; how should a party address such concerns?


How do you think technology should be used by political parties to involve citizens more actively?


If a party vowed to significantly improve your education system, what changes would you want to see?


What role do you think young people should play in shaping the policies of political parties today?


Imagine a new political party has risen; what single issue would make you consider supporting it?


How would you react if a political group focused on the issues most important to your community?


What's more important to you in a political party: economic policies or social policies, and why?


Can a political party really make a big difference in environmental policies, or is it more about individual actions?


How would you feel if a new political party promised significant changes in your local area?