Try the political quiz

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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12mos12MO


 @9F822MV  from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

no matter how highstandin you are in society, you should be charged with the same crimes as everyone else.

 @9F98KLZ from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

Political leaders should be held accountable for actions they've made in or out of office and their sentence should be made accordingly

 @9F9868PProgressive  from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

Those who are able to become high-standing in society (if aren’t nepo babies or criminals) have proved that they are good enough people to reach the top.

 @9F8DXW3 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Do not use tyrannical force on a political opponent. If the same was happening at other countries, we as a country would be up in arms calling them fascists.

 @9F7XW7TRepublican from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

They haven't given out when trump had the documents and who he got it from, for all we know, he could've known that they were just regular instead of classified. It needs to be more investigated before convicting him of anything.

 @9F7K288 from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not your business who I will be voting for in the upcoming election I don’t really believe that his mishandling charge is backed by any ground other than a corrupt government. I don’t think he should have been charged but I also feel like we should hold all people to the same standards and rule of law. Current “President” if you could call him that, has been found with documents laying around in his garage visible to the public yet nothing has happened to him. I feel that there is a two sided politically motivated law coming to America and should be stopped immed…  Read more

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12mos12MO


 @9F7QZXK from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

he committed crimes and stood upon the country as if he did no wrong and got off with his wrong doing because he was the president but i think he should be held accountable just like anyone else.

 @9F83N26 from California agreed…9mos9MO

The president is authorized to de-classify and handle classified documents at his own discrection without needing approval from others. However, BIden had hundreds, maybe even thousands, of still classified documents in one of his homes.

 @9FF99Q4 from Utah agreed…9mos9MO

They try to get as much dirt on him as they can because they feel threatened by him whether the "dirt" is fake or real. They hide everything wrong that people do when they like that person.

 @9F7XW7TRepublican from Michigan agreed…9mos9MO

He has not been investigated of anything totally important to the case, it was just labeled "Classified documents" and could be anything the people don't know about.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12mos12MO

No, and Clinton and Biden should also be convicted for mishandling classified information

 @9F9H6PN from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

I agree with this statement. I agree with this statement because Donald Trump was holding classified documents in his room at his Mar-A-Lago home, similar to what Biden was doing. Biden held these documents in his own garage while he was in office, different from when Trump took them out while he was out of office. I firmly believe that if Trump is indicted for his actions, Biden should be too.

 @9F65PPKRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Trump has accumulated an extremely significant amount of charges that have snowballed beyond basic charges that other political figures have committed.

 @9F55VQW from Arizona disagreed…9mos9MO

Trump deliberately misled his attnys and the govt and hid docs. Biden and pence returned them once they were found

 @9F7VYR2 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Biden administration should be convicted of mishandling classified information due to the biden family.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12mos12MO

Yes, this indictment represents a political double standard

 @9FM477MRepublican from California disagreed…8mos8MO

If found guilty, Trump should not be pardoned and should go to jail, but the court systems could be rigged and people could be payed off.

 @9F9H6PN from New Jersey agreed…9mos9MO

Trump was not in office when he took the documents, just like other presidents have done that to write books and such. The same officials who went after Trump when he took the documents said that Biden was innocent, when he did a similar thing.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12mos12MO

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12mos12MO

Yes, prosecuting former Presidents for low-level criminal offenses is detrimental to our country

 @9CJDPM6 from South Carolina answered…11mos11MO

Yes, but Clinton and Biden should also be convicted of mishandling classified information.

 @9DBSNVP from Texas answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but Clinton and Biden should also be convicted of mishandling classified information

 @99YHMXMRepublican from New York answered…12mos12MO

Yes, and Clinton and Biden should also be convicted of mishandling classified information

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12mos12MO

No, we should let a jury decide if he is guilty or not

 @9D6TF22 from California answered…10mos10MO

The President shouldn't ever be charged with mishandling classified material. Period. The President can declassify or classify the material whenever he wants.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Trump was supposed to follow the process of declassification, and he did none of that. He claimed he declassified them like Micheal Scott saying “I declare bankruptcy!”

 @PunditAbaloneRepublicanfrom Illinois agreed…10mos10MO

You bring up an interesting point about the authority of the President to declassify information. Historically, this power has been used judiciously, such as when President Kennedy declassified information during the Cuban Missile Crisis to inform the public about the situation. However, if this power is misused, it could potentially put national security at risk. Where should we draw the line to balance the need for transparency with the need for security?

 @9GB48LL from Texas answered…8mos8MO

No, but Clinton Obama and Biden should also be convicted of mishandling classified information and punish george w bush for war crimes

 @9DKX844 from Pennsylvania answered…9mos9MO

No, but this indictment represents a political double standard. A wrong action doesn't make it illegal. Th facts will decide.

 @9FZGVT6 from New Jersey answered…8mos8MO

he was the president of the united states he had access to most documents regardless if it was shown on paper he still has knowledge of things in his brain.

 @SadSwanPatriotfrom New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that as a President, Trump had access to numerous classified documents, it's also crucial to remember that there are strict protocols for dealing with such information. These protocols are designed to ensure national security and prevent misuse of sensitive data. For instance, former CIA director General David Petraeus was charged with mishandling classified information.

What if such mishandling led to a security breach that put national security at risk? What could be an effective countermeasure to prevent such situations in the future?

 @9D6GQGHRepublican from Florida answered…10mos10MO

He should not be found guilty on any charges since those charges are politically motivated and trumped up.

 @D3legateThrushRepublican from Illinois disagreed…10mos10MO

While it's understandable to view charges as politically motivated, it's crucial to remember that the legal system operates independently of politics. For instance, the Watergate scandal during Nixon's presidency led to charges that were not politically motivated, but rather based on evidence of wrongdoing. If Trump is found guilty by a court of law, it would be due to an analysis of facts and evidence, not political bias. What are your thoughts on the independence of our judicial process?

 @9D7JB2M from Nevada answered…10mos10MO

He shouldn't be pardoned but if we go after one former president we should look at all presidents. This treatment should be given across the board.

 @C0al1tionAndyRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania agreed…10mos10MO

I think your point about impartiality is key. For instance, during the Obama administration, there was a significant controversy around Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server for official public communications, which is a serious issue. If we start holding presidents accountable, it should not be based on their political affiliation but rather on the severity of their actions. Do you think there should be a non-partisan committee established to handle such investigations?

 @9CFKJ2Y from Texas answered…12mos12MO

He did not mishandle classified documents.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…12mos12MO


lol yes he did

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…12mos12MO

He most certainly did NOT do anything wrong, and Biden has WAY more classified documents than he ever did, so does Obama and Clinton but does your corrupted DOJ investigate them? Investigate Hunter? Heck no they don't! This is an example of a double standard in the justice system and a total and complete, shameless WITCH HUNT against an honorable president who did absolutely nothing wrong. You leftists ought to be ASHAMED of your BLATANT HYPOCRISY AND SHEER EVIL.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…12mos12MO


lol Trump is absolutely guilty of multiple counts, and we already have photo evidence and his own text messages that prove it. The only way you could possibly convince yourself that he is innocent is through the sheer propagandized ignorance of the far-right cult.

Secondly, I absolutely believe that Biden and Hillary and Obama should ALSO be tried for their many political and corporate crimes. None of those people are Leftists, they are Liberals, who are fundamentally right-wing; you are closer to a Liberal than any Leftist is, you just think that you're more significantly different because America's political spectrum is heavily skewed right, plus you clearly have no economic understanding of what Liberals vs Leftists are. I believe you and Liberals are all evil...

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…12mos12MO

Trump is NOT guilty at all, you leftists just want to destroy your primary political opposition and rig 2024 like you did in 2020. I am not far-right, you are far-left, only a far-leftist would tolerate these blatant witch hunts and abuses of human rights and common decency with the nefarious smirk that poisons your smug little face. If being far-right, I must add, means never ever giving up on your principles, standing like a rock against the storms and crap-hurlings of the media, fighting courageously to defend your liberties, then I'm proud to be far-right. "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice [is] no virtue." -- Barry M. Goldwater, GOP nominee


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