Try the political quiz

705 Replies


What can be done to differentiate between criticizing ideas and perpetuating harmful stereotypes against a group of people?

 @9H9V9VV from Arizona answered…6mos6MO

Get to know all sides of the situation personally to ensure you aren’t being fed misinformation, and then make an informed decision based on your personal beliefs and experiences.

 @9H9WD68Republican from Florida answered…6mos6MO

To differentiate between criticism and stereotyping, one must understand their culture and respect each other rather than dehumanizing and separating groups.

 @9H9QH4B from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

Using the education system to help the new incoming generations to see how the stereotypes that are out there in the world are just stereotypes and they should be stopped so we all have more of a better sense of equality.

 @9HBJXVL from Texas answered…6mos6MO

To differentiate between criticism and stereotyping, one must understand their culture and respect each other rather than dehumanizing and separating groups.


What role do empathy and personal connection play in countering prejudices?

 @9KDNG2V from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

The concept is irrational and essentially assumes that every Islam is a terrorist.

 @9KDNS52 from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

All Muslims that I have met have been kind and peaceful, we should never judge the whole group based on the extreme actions of a few

 @9KDNMXX from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Understanding that people who follow a different religion than most people in the country are still American citizens will help everyone be treated equally, holding true to civil rights.

 @9KDMSC7 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I don't think anyone should judge people on the religion they practice.


Why is it important to question generalizations about any group, including Muslims?

 @9JBL7XKIndependent  from Wisconsin answered…4mos4MO

because most of the u.s's terrorists have been of different races.

 @9JN33TXIndependent from Georgia disagreed…4mos4MO

Even if most of them were from a specific group, that doesn't mean we should assume it applies to everyone of that group

 @9JCC4NSRepublican from Missouri answered…4mos4MO

Because you never know what can happen or what they will do to the country when terrorists or immigrants are migrating into America.

 @9JBJBRG from Connecticut answered…4mos4MO

 @9JBJBFK from California answered…4mos4MO

They are culturally different. People should just be treated the way they treated you. If they mess with you, you should have the right to retaliate. If you’re in the wrong, they should be able to retaliate.


How can learning about Islam's cultural heritage and achievements impact our respect for its followers?

 @9JCKRL9Democrat from Washington answered…4mos4MO

you can't hate a whole race because their governments are making decisions

 @9JGSYB3 from Maryland agreed…4mos4MO

Not everyone in the race makes governmental decisions so it doesn’t make sense to hate the whole race.

 @9JBKWMR from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

Learning about Islamic culture and achievements could help everyone better understand each other, ultimately leading to a more inclusive community.

 @2TXP8NBDemocrat answered…4mos4MO

Learning about the history of Islam is as important as learning the history of the Jewish and Christian people's. The best source that I have found are the lectures from The Great Courses.


What are the consequences of allowing fear to dictate our policies and social interactions?

 @9KF99BJ from California answered…3mos3MO

When we let fear take over, it can lead to hasty decisions and misunderstandings. It causes to make policies that are based on irrational fears rather than facts. In social Interactions, fear can create division and prejudice.

 @9KF7N4HLibertarian from California answered…3mos3MO

Fear causes propaganda spread and continue the hate for Islams which can lead to harm to that group. fear will dominate people's mind.

 @9KF7KCM from California answered…3mos3MO

it would cause discriminatory policies to be put in place and more hate crimes would occur


How do personal friendships with people of different faiths affect your perspective on their beliefs?

 @9J6F6R4 from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

Yeah, I always had since I was little. I would meet people from over and since I’m a atheist I tend to ask questions and try to relate on their beliefs and faiths. I find it a very pleasant conversation where two people and rationally and calmly talk about religion.

 @9J7RS7K from Texas agreed…4mos4MO

Im a christian but I've always found other faiths interesting. I enjoy learning what people believe & why.

 @9J6FG7F from California answered…5mos5MO

I think friendships with people of different faiths provide an understanding of others.

 @9J6F53T from California answered…5mos5MO

Their beliefs are definitely theirs to begin with. It does not affect the way I think of them unless they speak differently about my beliefs.


How do you balance your personal beliefs with the need to be inclusive in a diverse community?

 @9KHNDBH from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

I will still disagree with their sexism but I can understand their food style. Shortly, I can accept their culture which doesn't impact on other people.

 @9KHLCN8 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

We have no official religion so everyone has the right to their own beliefs.

 @9KHL822Independent from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO


What personal experiences have shaped your views on coexisting with diverse religious practices?

 @9HTMVPK from North Dakota answered…5mos5MO

what i learned in school. religion doesnt make you do bad things people do that on their own

 @9HT2GL5Progressive from North Carolina commented…5mos5MO

Most of the religion have the same ideal just told in different ways with different morals.


How important is it to differentiate between religious teachings and the actions of individuals who might misuse them?

 @9HW85HY  from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

Religion does not dictate whether a person is good or bad, it is simply an aspect of their life. It's incredibly important to differentiate between a religion and a group of terrorists who happen to fall under that religion. Jeffrey Dahmer was Catholic.

 @9HWCW4B from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

Just because someone is from Islam doesn't mean that they are here to bomb places down.


How do you think our own cultural backgrounds influence our reactions to religions we’re less familiar with?

 @9HWF5W6Democrat from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

I feel if the only thing you know of a group is negative then your opinion will then be swayed in a negative way.


How does it affect our community when we generalize about a group without taking the time to understand them?

 @9J55NPJIndependent from Idaho answered…5mos5MO

 @9J55MMX  from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

This generallization is never good, however with a deeper understanding of the muslim religion of islam we find a dangerous and violent lifestyle that should not be welcomed with open arms.


Can you recall a time when learning about the diverse practices within Islam altered your previous assumptions?

 @9L5NJYY from New Jersey answered…2mos2MO

I learned more about their holidays and how to respect them when there are certain instances going on.

 @9L5MVQT from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

In seventh grade history, we did a project on the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam religions. We did a pretty deep dive into the religions for a middle school course, but it completely changed the way I view all religions. I’m not a religious person myself, but I now have a better knowledge and respect of all religions because I educated myself on how certain faiths work.


How can the media responsibly report on issues related to different religious groups?


In a world of diverse cultures, what role does fear play in shaping our relationships with others?


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