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“Yes, because the alternatives were much worse. However, any financial institution deemed "too big to fail" should have been broken up as soon as economically feasible a la Ma Bell in order to prevent this from happening again. Laws and regulations should have then been passed to further restrict financial institutions from engaging in any know/knowable questionable practices. I'm not sure that it would be wrong to require them to be not for profit entities. Since Reagan deregulated the banks we've gone through at least one financial bubble every decade the ends up with the taxpayers bailing out financial institutions to the tune of hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars. It's time to admit that they need to be intensively and invasively regulated and restricted in their business dealings, practices and procedures.”

From a Democrat in Oronoco, MN
In reponse to: Should the U.S. have bailed out the major banks during the financial crisis of 2008?

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