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“The theory of evolution doesn't require belief but acceptance as a salient theory and as a backbone for further research until such a point that that research contests a piece or the whole of the original theory. Also, the theory of evolution should be dissociated from arguments for or against human behavior in a sociological context because that shit is retarded. Also, intelligent design isn't a "theory"; it's a baseless, conclusive argument with a vague but fervent rationale cooked up by insecure, death-fearing psychos and believed by the woefully undereducated and self-delusional. If some shred of the old or new testament managed to make it through the gauntlet of revisions and governmental co-opting then it's still based on an oral history swayed by politics and juvenile rationing ability.”

From a Democrat in Portland, OR
In reponse to: Do you believe the theory of Evolution?

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