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“I believe in portions of it, and think ALL theories should be taught in school - as THEORIES, and not as FACT. NO particular "theory" has been proven - not even the "theory of evolution" - which is why it is still referred to as a theory, and not the "PROVEN FACT of Evolution". So, all differing opinions should be taught, with the fact that we don't know for sure being highlighted, and even children who believe in the bible's verbatim supposition of how life was created - should not be ridiculed. I think that parts of the theory of evolution have been proven over the years, such as the fact that we no longer need our wisdom teeth b/c we're not chewing up raw grains and animal bones anymore - so some kiddos never get them these days - and why snow leopards are differently-colored than regular leopards, etc. But it sure as heck doesn't explain the supposed "leap" from ape to human. And the bible's fable about Adam and Eve is simply ludicrous. The only fact is that we don't know for sure how we all got here and why humans are so different than animals.”

From a Democrat in Jay, FL
In reponse to: Do you believe the theory of Evolution?

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