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“I believe it to be our moral obligation to do so. The United States , historically speaking, has been the only world power to consistantly come to the aid and/or rescue of foreign countries that are being oppressed or persecuted by radical elements that are hell bent on forcing their radical agenda on everybody else, come hell or high water. It's not enough just to worry about our own countries' problems and security issues as some argue, and let everyone else deal with their own problems. If we don't step in and take preemptive action, it will eventually reach our borders anyway. This is the only way to help keep evil people at bay, and from holding the free world hostage with their tyranny. It's high time that those who don't believe that there is a very real battle going on in our world between good and evil take their heads out of the proverbial sand.”

From a Republican in Keauhou, HI
In reponse to: Should the U.S. intervene in the affairs of other countries?

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