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“Yes. HHS Sebelius had over 3 years knowing that Obamatax was passed, and should have been properly prepared to implement it for over 300 million US citizens. Also, the American people were defrauded at the cost of the website over $600 million, for a website that doesn't work, with old outdated website technology, and flawed unsecured coding, and nowhere near enough servers to provide the website service to over 300 million US citizens. That also means that the taxpayer money already spent on the website at the cost of over $2 million per US citizen is a massive fraud. Remember that next time people making less than $250,000 dollars see their taxes go up more than a dime because of Obamacare. That money should have been taken, and put into individual US Citizen healthcare accounts, so there didn't need to be so much complication at the launch of the ACA, of costs and fines,penalties, etc. This is a massive fraud to the American people, and not only Sebelius should be held accountable, but all the other Executive management involved in Obamacare, including multiple politicians that repeatedly lie to the American people when Obamacare was being 'sold' to the American people. Its time to bring back that level of Executive responsibility and accountability on such matters. All of those people should also be held accountable if and or when identity theft/fraud may be involved due to the ACA, and such personal info potentially stolen from the website, or other online data services involving the US federal govt, Obamacare, websites or other possible outlets of personal info involving the IRS in conjunction with Obamacare.”

From a Republican in Springfield, VA
In reponse to: Should Health and Human Secretary Kathleen Sebelius be fired over the failure of, the Affordable Care Act website?

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