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“To be completely honest, the theory of trickle-down economics seems to correlate with the massive bubbles that ruined our economy twice in 30 years.
I don't mean to say that correlation implied causation, but during this time, employment rates continued to drop across the board.
At present, we find ourselves in a recession, where would-be retirees cannot or will not retire. If they retired their posts, those below them on the 'totem pole,' so to speak, would rise into those positions. This would continue, opening up more entry level jobs and deflating the worth of degrees. It should, theoretically, cause the cost of colleges to drop, as the intense competition between would-be employees becomes based more upon experience, or the employers' willingness to train, instead of a college degree which commonly fails to grant a graduate the skills needed to begin their career.”

From a Democrat in Clermont, FL
In reponse to: Should the federal government increase spending in order to help reduce the unemployment rate?

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