Try the political quiz

449 Replies

 @982KTCH from Michigan commented…2yrs2Y

Let people love people as long as they aren't hurting them! Gay rights are HUMAN RIGHTS!!!

 @98J5RRMWomen’s Equality from Washington commented…1yr1Y

I AGREE! We are all humans, why does it matter who you choose to love?

  @lemans3427Republican from California agreed…1yr1Y

Love is love, and it is a fundamental human right to be able to choose who you love and be with that person legally. Denying someone the right to marry the person they love simply because of their gender is a form of discrimination. And we know from history that discrimination is never the right way to go. Just imagine if people were denied the right to marry based on their race or religion! That would be unacceptable. So why should we deny someone the right to marry based on their sexual orientation? That's just wrong.

What do you think is the biggest obstacle that the LGBTQ+ community faces when it comes to achieving full equality?

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

True rights never entitle anyone to anything. Homosexual sodomists are demanding that the rest of society be forced to accept their so-called "marriages" – they think they are entitled to that. But all true rights do is protect individuals from force and encroachment. A right to life, for example, is a right not to be murdered, a right to liberty, a right not to be enslaved, a right to property, a right not to be stolen from, (among other related crimes). Whereas no one is using force on homosexuals by refusing to recognise their perverse activities as "marriage" &nd…  Read more

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

Because God declared homosexuality an "abomination," and He created the moral law.

 @9CJY7NWfrom Guam disagreed…11mos11MO

long as they aren't hurting them! Gay rights are HUMAN RIGHTS!!!

Don't get me wrong, I support same sex marriage. However, I believe that if Religious services don't want to serve them, they don't have to.

 @9DYZY7MUnity from Georgia commented…9mos9MO

Well, I can't speak for all religions, but in the case of Christianity, you shouldn't turn people away from God. He loves all of his children, even the those in sin, and you are doing more harm than good by discouraging them from having a relationship with God. As someone who has always been gay, I loved going to church and I still believe that I have a strong connection with God. However, I don't understand why other Christians turn people like me away. It may be a sin, but everyone sins, and God already knows what we will do. Also, if you have your own beliefs about the LGBTQ…  Read more

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

Churches have a duty to speak the Truth of God's Word, without respect to the orthodoxies of fashionable opinion. The TRUTH is that God has condemned homosexuality as a moral abomination, and as such, Churches have a duty to preach that. God commands you to turn from your sin. You are 100% right that he still loves you, but that does not mean that you are given permission to sin, nor that all other persons ought to be forced to accept or even celebrate your immoral choices. I hope sincerely you will one day repent.

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin commented…6mos6MO

Ok, here's the thing. I believe strongly that people have a natural disposition as to whether they are attracted to people of the opposite sex or people of the same sex. And regardless if a person is heterosexual or homosexual, they should be entitled to unite and spend their lives with the partner that they love. But it's undeniable that in the Bible, marriage is a sacrament that is defined as being between a man and a woman. So my question is...why are gay couples not happy with the categorization of being in a civil union ? You are still under governmental recognition of being united to another person.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

They want equal treatment, in many ways, it’s being viewed as a second class citizen, so instead, either all legal marriages are civil unions, or we have two definitions of marriage. (Legal and religious).

 @MandateCakeRepublicanfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

That is a heartfelt perspective. However, one could also argue that the essence of respect means acknowledging and honoring others' deeply held beliefs, even when they differ from our own. For instance, while some Christians indeed embrace the LGBTQ+ community, there are others whose interpretation of their faith leads them to a different viewpoint. It's not about turning people away from God, but a conscientious adherence to what they believe their faith mandates.

 @IamSirius32Green from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

It's not even our problem what people do. It's their choice. We shouldn't harass them just because they're different. This is quite litterally a matter of human rights.

 @9GHLMVN from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

We live in a country of freedom and choice, it's unreasonable to restrict others personal lives based on differing preferences, and even if argued that it's against certain religious values the government cannot place laws into effect based on those values as that would be declaring one religion above all others.

 @9GMY3DQ  from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Limiting gay marriage is unconstitutional according to the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment: "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

 @9866BHZ from Kentucky agreed…1yr1Y

love is love.

 @988FD26Women’s Equality from Missouri commented…1yr1Y

 @9FD4KFM from Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

If you think the government should control that because you're religious, that's going against your religion in multiple ways because the church and state should be separate and you shouldn't force your religion on anyone else. Also, if you think it's wrong, it's no one else's problem because everyone has different opinions.

 @9F82FYR from California agreed…9mos9MO

This is love, it is between two, consenting adults, it is a chance for people to love who they are with.

 @9G48XSTLibertarian from Colorado agreed…8mos8MO

Two people of the same gender being in a relationship doesn't affect your life if you aren't involved with it. Why should their relationship matter when it literally has no effect on you?

 @9FXRF8N from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Once again, there is no reason for Gay Marriage to be illegal, as every opposition is rooted within some sort of religious belief. Which should not be brought into legal arguments.

 @9GL7DKZ from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

Marriage began as being about property. By marrying a woman, or girl, a man had control over her and her rights. Since, marriage has evolved to be about love and partnership, and that initial practical application (which was never very ethical in the first place) has become irrelevant. Of course, you may be able to save some money, which is very practical, but two women or men could just as well benefit. The fact is, love is not defined by our imposing societal structures, a book, or the experiences of a few who refuse to practice sympathy or see the bigger picture. Being gay is not a choice, and it cannot turn into a confine, as any other way of life may not just be a confine but a living hell. Two sides of the same coin.

 @99GHF52 from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

You should let people be happy who identify under LGBTQ. How would you feel if you weren’t allowed to love the opposite gender?

 @9BYHRVG from Washington disagreed…12mos12MO

 @9GW4QYG from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

The right to marry should be a personal choice that the government shouldn't intervene on. They just want to be happy and they almost always are when they are given the same rights.

 @9GH5LX3Women’s Equality from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that everyone should have the ability to marry whoever they want. Attraction isn't always something you have control over and it is not fair to punish someone because they don't love the same kind of people you do. Not being considered "normal" or "the standard," which is the most antiquated, stereotypical bull **** I've ever seen, shouldn't be a crime.

 @9GMSZ22 from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

It is none of my business who or why people want to marry one another. It affects me zero, and the idea that we would try and limit this is just pointless.

 @9GX2R62 from California agreed…7mos7MO

Homosexuality has been present in humanity for centuries. It is and has been natural for such relationships to exist. The same level of companionship that is present in heterosexual marriages can often be found in homosexual couples.

 @9GGKZHT from Washington agreed…7mos7MO

The way I see it is that if people are happy then I am happy. And even if I am not, it is not my life and I should let people do what they want to to be happy if it is not affecting me. And people being gay does not affect me. I don't know what they feel or think and I shouldn't be able to control their lives if it isn't hurting me in any way. According to a recent survey around 7.2 percent of Americans identify with the LGBTQ+ group. I wouldn't want to deny them the right to be in a happy relationship.

 @9FZJG7M from Florida agreed…8mos8MO

As long as no one is being abused in the relationship what is it anyone’s business? What/who gives anyone the right to judge if we’re speaking in a biblical sense? For those people will too be judge by God with the same or greater form of judgment they applied to that or those individuals.

 @9H37RX6 from Maryland agreed…7mos7MO

Gay marriage does not effect anyone but the people who decide to get married. The concept is also not new despite what homophobes would like you to believe. There's been many scriptures that involve homosexuality that date back the creation of the U.S.

 @9GYY6SZ from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

Its no one's business but those involved, and people are free to have whatever opinion they please on the topic, they may reject the concept or embrace it, it doesn't particularly matter; it is purely out of respect for every citizen, every person, that they may apply their marriage as they see fit, without the worry of how other will interpret it. And if a marriage between a man-and-a-man and a woman-and-a-woman are seldom different than a marriage between a man-and-a-woman, besides procreation, which, itself, does not require marriage, then I see no reason to prohibit it, nor provide a definiton that accomplishes the same.

 @9GJBHPZ from New York agreed…7mos7MO

Gay marriage isn't hurting/killing anyone. In fact, the people who don't agree with it are actively hurting and killing people just because it doesn't make sense to them.
If you or a loved one were to be killed just because you were in a heterosexual relationship you would be upset and disgusted too. It is unfair to deny anyone their right to be happy.

 @9FLLXLM from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

If you had a son who you always imagined to love sports and parties and straight but he actually turned out to be attracted to men would you still love him? If not did you ever love him? He is the same person. And that could go for any sex or situation.


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