Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9JJ67CH from Alaska answered…5mos5MO

I think that there are no gender roles in the U.S, mostly because there isn't a job besides giving birth to children, that the other sex couldn't do.

 @9JJPHPX from Illinois agreed…5mos5MO

For the majority of jobs, gender doesn't matter, but I will say in some jobs other genders may be more likely to get the job.

 @9JJ6JF6Democrat answered…5mos5MO

Sure, I'm sure there are some gender-specific roles that are irreversible that might just be from stereo types and even perhaps biology, but I think there are definitely areas in life where gender-specific roles are reversible and might vary on how much it is, especially in a family situation when more and more women are able to help provide for the family. Also, like anti-feminism and all parties and groups, there will always be people that have varying degrees of beliefs, meaning all groups have extremists and people that are on the fence. So it's not really feminism if they are attacking other categories of people.

 @9JJ5YZNSocialist from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

Yes, husband and wife can switch roles. However, I do believe that one has to be feminine and one has to be masculine in order for the relationship to stay alive and healthy.