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  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…6mos6MO

Firstly, I find it interesting how you assume "classlessness" must mean an equality of outcome, and also your assumption that "a chance to rise in station" must mean holding power over others. I disagree with both. Classlessness does not inherently mean that everyone and everything must be completely equal, it merely means that all people have equal access to the same means of opportunity and decision-making (aka equality of opportunity). Two people who have different levels of "wealth" but equal levels of access to resources and decision-making power are not in different "classes", because "class" in a socio-economic context is about ownership over the means of production, not of how much money or "stuff" that you have/get. So no, I don't expect everyone in a classless society to inherently make the same amount of money regardless of work or skill, but I do expect every worker to share equal ownership over the profits they produce and equal decision-making power within their own workplaces and communities, because that'sRead more

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