Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @9H3CCLF from Oklahoma answered…7mos7MO

People who are hateful to members of the Islam community in general based on looks or first-time communication. A legitimate concern would be suspicious, unsafe behavior from a member in that community.

 @9H3BKNWIndependent from Utah answered…7mos7MO

Don't base your opinions of a race on some bad apples, respect security but don't be racist.

 @9H3CGGY from Oklahoma answered…7mos7MO

not all of them want or act the same, so dont base their character on their race/ethnicity.

 @9H3BSZX from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas answered…7mos7MO

If the "security concerns" are exclusively, or disproportionately, applied to Muslims then it is Islamophobic.