Try the political quiz

28 Replies

 @9GZFLBZRepublican from California commented…7mos7MO

 @9GZ53TMDemocrat from Pennsylvania commented…7mos7MO

I think currently the Israel matter is evidently a major international problem that can spur major issues and conflict throughout our world

 @9GZ6XM7 commented…7mos7MO

Whether or not Hamas or Hamas' resources/equipment was in the Al Shifa Hospital, this raid can disrupt the administration of medical care to those in the hospital, who could be seriously injured or even die as a result of such an interruption to the care given at this hospital and other important civilian facilities in Gaza. I would like to remind the reader that Gaza is not fighting Israel, Hamas is fighting Israel. And yes, I understand that Hamas uses Gaza, the people in Gaza, and the civilian infrastructure in Gaza as a sort of meat shield against Israel, but a meat shield only works…  Read more

  @lemans3427Republican  from California commented…7mos7MO

It appears that the IDF has entered the hospital without engaging in a firefight. Their goal is to take over Hamas military HQ in the hospital.

No one, not even Arab media is disputing that Hamas HQ is in the hospital.

 @9GZ7TCQ from Minnesota commented…7mos7MO

I dislike war in general and this fighting over religion is childish to me.

 @9GZBTLWRepublican from West Virginia commented…7mos7MO

 @9GZ948Z from Georgia commented…7mos7MO

Hamas is not given enough credit for the evil it is coming with. According to their leaders and their motives, they want more than just Gaza, they want to eradicate the Jewish race as a whole. Do some more research on their motives behind their attacks.

  @lemans3427Republican  from California commented…7mos7MO

 @9GZGCHHIndependent from Nebraska commented…7mos7MO

Bombing hospitals is a war crime, I don't agree with what Israel is doing to the innocent civilians of Gaza.

 @9GZ6CC2 from New Jersey commented…7mos7MO

I think its stupid and they should relize that its affecting everyone around the world they should stop.

 @9GZ9Y4H from California commented…7mos7MO

 @9GZGQPG from Colorado commented…7mos7MO

Israel is abusing its relationship with the United States to crush and commit War Crimes against Hamas.

 @9GZDBFBDemocrat  from Texas commented…7mos7MO

risky escalation - outcome will depend on the care taken with civilians and the infrastructure of the hospital.

 @9GZG3TT from North Dakota commented…7mos7MO

We must call for a cecefire on both sides. Though Hamas has taken things out of hand so has Israel. Bombing civilains does nothing to stop this war.

 @9GZH4D9Republican from Arkansas commented…7mos7MO

 @9GZP9P3 from Minnesota commented…7mos7MO

Isreal already found weapons in 2 hospitals, hamas has used its civilians as sheilds, and they don't care about their people and use them like political pawns. isreal taking the gaza strip will be better for them in the long run

 @9GZ96NTRepublican from North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

 @9GZ2JRN from Indiana commented…7mos7MO

Israel is committing war crimes and the us is aiding and abetting genocide in Gaza.

 @9GZ3PK5from Maine commented…7mos7MO

Faster it ends, less casualties everyone will have.
Terrorists should be punisher by "eye for an eye".

 @9GZCJJ3Democrat from Florida commented…7mos7MO

I’m with Israel even though I’m Muslim and I think they are in the wrong to kill civilians but it is Palenstine who started it

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Except they didn't. You understand that this conflict didn't start on Oct 7th, right? Israel has been bombing and committing acts of colonial apartheid against the Palestinian people for decades now...

 @9GZG2RZ from Connecticut commented…7mos7MO

It's not fair to the people of Gaza, innocent people and children are dying and Israel needs to stop immediately.

 @9GZ4M6F from New York commented…7mos7MO

The war seems kinda pointless since they were living in somewhat of a peace. The land is also so small, while representing perseverance doesn't seem worth it to fight over.

 @9GZF2CNRepublican from Illinois commented…7mos7MO

i think the israel needs to do more and do it quick before hamas can get more hostages and kill more people

 @9GZ2584Peace and Freedom from Illinois commented…7mos7MO


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