Try the political quiz

274 Replies


If your school subjects were all based on your interests, how might your enthusiasm for learning change?

 @9L372DRDemocrat from Maryland answered…3mos3MO

If all of my classes were changed to match my interests then my enthusiasm for learning would increase because I would the classes more interesting.

 @9L3BGS8 from Kentucky agreed…3mos3MO

If I got to learn things that benefited my future career, I think I would find myself far more interested.

 @9L36M6S from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I would actively seek out further education and learning opportunities, as I would feel that my education was being done for me and not for an institution that doesn't care if I pass, fail, live, or die.

 @Meepmeep777 from Texas agreed…3mos3MO

Learning requires conflict, struggling, training our mind and body to unfamiliar knowledge and situations to enrich ones knowledge, even in fields one prefers to work in, challenges arise, and from dealing, and from those challenges one has the possibility to grow.

 @9L37CFR from Texas answered…3mos3MO

If school subjects were tailored to my interests, I would be more inclined to learn and apply myself fully.

 @9L376WCRepublican from Virginia answered…3mos3MO


What would motivate you to work hard in a job where salary isn't the biggest reward?

 @9L4PJK7 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

If it was a morally rewarding job that allowed for actual change to be made

 @9L5YB7B from Pennsylvania agreed…3mos3MO

If it hated going to my job every day i would want to quit. There is just so much stress that comes with a job that you hate, it causes you to have a rotten day.

 @9L4PJ2M from Florida answered…3mos3MO

 @9L4PK9X from Florida answered…3mos3MO


How do you think everyday life would be different if everyone truly enjoyed their 'work'?

 @9KZLJKPDemocrat from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

 @9KZL6CFLibertarian from Nebraska answered…3mos3MO

If everyone fully realized their potential that would be great but you have to imagine a world where everyone’s true potential is being a farmer, and now their isn’t enough welders or doctors around. Supply and demand waits for nothing but I like the idea of everyone having that “dream job”.


Mental health issues would dramatically decrease due to more job satisfaction. Individuals would also feel strong motivation to thrive in the workplace and improve company morale.

 @9KZLGV9 from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

everyone would always be happy instead of annoyed and aggravated all the time


If you could take one step today toward living in your ideal community, what would that step be?

 @9KPHTXG from Illinois answered…3mos3MO

 @9KPPKLQ from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

 @9KPHSXXPeace and Freedom from Indiana answered…3mos3MO


Would a society be more productive if everyone did only what they loved?

 @9H4B3MJWorking Family  from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

 @9H49XN8from Maine answered…7mos7MO

No, as some jobs that nobody enjoys need to be done (litter picking for example)

 @9H4HN85 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

No, that's just doing your hobby. There are tasks that must be done to keep society running. Are most corporate jobs necessary? No, but there are still needed jobs in the economy.

 @9H4HSX9 from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

I think every type of employment should be helped by the government to make it as close to a livable wage as possible.


If everyone pursued jobs aligned with their passions, how do you think that would impact society's productivity?

 @9HH4PK9from PR answered…6mos6MO

 @9HH4K4W from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

This might impact society's productivity because certain jobs are needed in order to keep the country running and if the certain jobs aren't done they would not be able to keep the country running.


How does the idea of balanced wealth distribution challenge or support your personal values?

 @9HXY9CMIndependent from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO

people should be rewarded for how hard they work and how they use their talents.

 @9HXY3ZS from Hawaii answered…5mos5MO

It aligns with my personal values BUT these communities would have to be opt-in. These communities seem highly unrealistic in America unless something big like a revolution causes the fall of our current government and economic system. Or this can work on a small scale in small communities as an opt-in situation. I also worry uptopia-type projects can end up becoming cults if the leadership gets corrupt.

 @9HXY2PXRepublican from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

No, everyone is given an equal chance to have a successful life in the united states and they have to work for it. It shouldn't be given.


If success wasn't tied to money, what would your dream career look like and why?

 @9HWJ72K from Washington answered…5mos5MO

I would be an anthropologist and filmmaker and travel around the world documenting various cultures and creating documentaries based on the human condition


How would you feel about sharing wealth equally, regardless of the job's perceived value in society?

 @9HJB78X from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I feel as though sharing wealth should not be a big thing, and we should keep it more as a "You get paid based on how well you work" system.


I do not think this works in real life. As a theory in a fantasy world, this seems great. In practice it falls short.


Imagine a school system where you only learn subjects you're excited about; what would your curriculum look like?

 @9HNZWF8 from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

We should teach all around subjects for the first couple years of school and get your basic education freshman and sophomore year of high school, then the second two years of high school should be your regular education but surrounded more on what you want to do post-graduation.

 @9HNZP9K from Maine answered…6mos6MO

I don't know how well that would work, but in theory it sounds wonderful.


Is there a hobby you love that you could imagine transforming into a way of contributing to society?

 @9HJZQ2R from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I have a hobby of making art so i could possibly make are that people can relate to in a way or maybe even change their view on something.

 @9HJZL29 from Oklahoma answered…6mos6MO

I love industrial design and architecture, and generally, the adaptive perspective that creativity and critical analysis creates should be treated as a gift for everyone, as it has helped me to change and interpret outside ideas.


How might the concept of 'attractive labor' change our current educational and career counseling systems?

 @9H97ZN7 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

I don't believe that we should pay workers in essentials, because people want more than just the essentials to survive

 @9H974Y7 from Arkansas answered…7mos7MO


How might mentorship roles evolve if they were based purely on mutual interests and passions?

 @9KPXZPJ from California answered…3mos3MO

It would evolve differently if they were purple based on mutual interests

 @9KPXJD4 from California answered…3mos3MO

It would evolve differently if they were purple based on mutual interests


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