Try the political quiz

151 Replies


Have your values or views on nationalism and heritage shifted over time, and what influenced these changes?

 @9JSGJFJLibertarian from Florida answered…4mos4MO

My ideas of nationalism have changed because I feel horrible for the people who are being discriminated and do not feel pride in their country -- this causes me to not feel pride in my country either.


I agree with this answer because I feel that the people of this nation that discriminate against race or heritage hurt this countries purpose of freedom and equality.

 @9JSGC9L from California answered…4mos4MO

yes, my views such as political have changed. I believe the american culture has influenced me into becoming a republican and seeing how much democrats talk a lot of nonsense and implement lies to the people through the media and never keep their promises nor make Americans a priority.

 @9JSGB2DSocialist from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

No, I have always been firmly against White Nationalism. Once I actually learned what nationalism was, I had been against it, especially when it comes to the idea that one race holds superiority over another and/or the creation of an ethnostate.


Is it possible to be proud of your cultural heritage without excluding or diminishing others?

 @9H8WDK4Democrat from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

Yes, it is possible to be proud of your cultural heritage without diminishing others.

 @9H8WBSQWomen’s Equality from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

i mean yes everybody should be proud of who they are no matter what skin tone just don't put others down in the process

 @9H8WJ9V from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Yes it it. Being proud does not mean being boastful. To uplift yourself, and others does not call to diminish others as well.

 @9H8WM79 from Mississippi answered…7mos7MO

It depends on what the culture emphasizes. Would I be proud that my family immigrated from the Nazi party once they awoke to the horror of what was happening? Sure, I'm glad they were convicted and left. I'm not proud of what the SS did.


What emotions arise when you encounter stories of cultural or racial discrimination, and how do they shape your worldview?

 @9HVYZ7X from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I believe that racism is something that is sadly never going to go away it is everywhere and it won’t stop. I do however think it is important that racism is recognized and dealt with when it’s shown in our country. It is shown that white nationalism has been a thing for thousands of years but we need to do better and stop talking about our own skin colors and who gets it worse because the real issue is how we’re destroying our world and how Mother Nature doesn’t care what skin color you are she will end all life on earth if we don’t take care of her.

 @9HYZGQ3Progressive from Oklahoma disagreed…5mos5MO

Racism is possible to go away, with the right teaching opportunities. It is important society recognizes our differences in skin color, to allow others to embrace their identity. Without recognizing our differences we basically erase the history and cultures of our peers, hinting that their is a dominant race or culture.

 @9HVYP8JDemocrat from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

it makes me sad that people still can't accept that everyone looks different and to deal with it.

 @9HYK9J2 from Minnesota agreed…5mos5MO

I agree with this because no matter how long it has been people will always discriminate people based on their culture and races.

 @9HVYK4VIndependent from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

Its gross and really changes your perspective on some people when people act out of character towards people of a different race.

 @9HVYM3H from Maryland answered…5mos5MO


What role do you think education plays in understanding and addressing concepts such as White Nationalism?

 @9HNLSNHfrom Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

I think all racism forms are wrong and focus only only on white racism is wrong

 @9HNLSSD  from Colorado answered…6mos6MO

I believe proper education of the great cultures and communal advancements of all people are important to combat all nationalism, especially White Nationalism.


Is there a balance to be struck between remembering historical wrongs and moving toward an inclusive society?

 @9HWFMGV from Oregon answered…5mos5MO

it's mega bad cause people who aren't white hate it and so do I cause that's RACIST!!!!!!!!!!


Do you think that the idea of a national language is essential to a country's identity, or could it be multilingual?

 @9HWZD2Wfrom Maine answered…5mos5MO

The US should go back to having a White super-majority, and should most certainly be solely English-speaking

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

 @9JCMY6P from Texas commented…5mos5MO


How does the concept of white nationalism affect the idea of a global community?

 @9H546NK from Colorado answered…7mos7MO

 @9H54FVC from Texas answered…7mos7MO

It doesn't allow for the inclusion of others, thus it is fascist/nationalist. What crazy is that this country was occupied by natives for 13,000 years, thus truly it can never be a white nationalism here. They would need to go back to Europe or some other white origin country. In more words, white nationalism would need to be limited towards whatever country they came from. The majority of the world is off white, so I don't see how they could fit in globally, unless isolated to their "section"


What does it mean to be patriotic while upholding values of equality and diversity?

 @9H3Q83Y from Alabama answered…7mos7MO

I believe in equality, but you shouldn't force people to conform to things if they don't want it.

 @9H3Q8B3Libertarian from South Carolina answered…7mos7MO

As someone who classifies as White, I oppose White Nationalism, as it promotes immoral values and a sense of superiority to the White race. The majority of U.S. history is told through the lens of a White person, as White people have had a greater control over U.S. history through writing the history books and leaving out things that make them look too bad. To be patriotic while upholding values of equality and diversity is very difficult, as the majority of patriotism is based on the past. I feel as though patriotism while opposing White Nationalism would have to acknowledge our past and focus on our future of trying to undo our mistakes and improving our overall society. We should not be patriotic over our past riddled with lies, but instead of the unity being created in the national effort to eradicate prejudice.


Does preserving one's cultural identity require the exclusion of others who are different?

 @9H4XJD6 from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

There is no problem with preserving one's cultural identity but I also do not think they should make an effort to alter the culture already in America. Everyone should keep to themselves and respect others culture.

 @9H4XYL3 from New York answered…7mos7MO

No, I don't believe it should be required at all. I'm fine with preserving any and all cultural identities here in the United States. After all, it IS a free country and we all have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. If we exclude others while trying to preserve someone's cultural identity, that may be seen as hypocritical because by trying to preserve one, we end up erasing a whole bunch of cultural identities in the process.


How could your community benefit from embracing different cultural practices and celebrations?

 @9HWF7R4Republican from New York answered…5mos5MO

My community does embrace different cultural practices and celebrations


Have you ever felt your own cultural identity impacted by the increasing globalization, and how did you respond?

 @9HTM9WR from North Carolina commented…6mos6MO

As a black woman, I've been effected in many ways such as being profiled by cops, being followed by shop workers, and even in school I've been look at as if I've meant to be dumber or looked down on / looked over.


Can you share a time when learning about another culture enriched your personal life?

 @9HSDHQ7Independent from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

I was a part of a culture fest during middle school, liked the food that was shared and the things that were made

 @9HSD9N6  from Florida answered…6mos6MO

I had never worked with people from other cultures until 2015 when I started working for Busch Gardens. I had the WONDERFUL pleasure of working with people from many different cultures for 5 yrs. I really REALLY miss working and learning more FROM them!!!


Have you ever found yourself reevaluating the notion of 'home' in light of global migration trends?

 @9JKNXPS from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

no i have never found my self revelualting the notion of home in light of global migration.

 @9JKNJ98Republican from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

yes the more i look around my town compared to a little kid there's a million more people who walk around not speaking any english when yet they come to this country because there's is so awful,but don't bothr to learn the language.


How does the media portrayal of immigration influence your perspectives on cultural identity?

 @9JL6FLX from Texas answered…5mos5MO

 @9JL5Z9N from Wisconsin answered…5mos5MO

The media has a negative connotation on immigration which I think is completely wrong. Everyone should be accepted throughout the USA


How do you think activism and advocacy can influence the conversation on heritage preservation and inclusion?


Have you ever challenged a preconceived notion or bias you held about another culture, and what sparked the change?


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