Try the political quiz

227 Replies


How do you personally define the beginning of life, and why is this important when considering the rights of an unborn child?

 @9HBTFP9Women’s Equality from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

The beginning of life starts at birth, but infants still need a lot of care and needs. Before a child starts their life, abortion is an option to many women, and I believe if a woman does not think she can provide for a child, it is her given choice whether she wants to keep it or not.

 @9H9W5ZX from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

Life begins at conception because any fetus has his or her own completely unique set of DNA. No fetus has ever done anything wrong, so therefore every fetus is innocent. The fetus is also human, so why should it not have the same constitutional rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness as any other human being? The combination of this essence of humanity and the innocence it harbors give reason to prohibit abortion, no matter the reason. If, in the extremely rare case the mother's life is threatened by the pregnancy, it is extremely important that every measure, within reason, is taken to save both lives. This may include prematurely delivering the baby.

 @9H9X325 from Arizona answered…6mos6MO

Life begins when there is conscious thought. People are pronounced dead when the brain stops working so life should begin when the brain starts working. People can be dead with a beating heart therefore baby's are not alive if there is no brain function even with a beating heart.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington corrected…6mos6MO

  @CrowWatchingJustice party member  from Utah commented…6mos6MO

The concept of a body being a person without having the capacity for being in a state consciousness — a scientific term for dictating level of consciousness or death — ignores the existence and very importance of brain death, a living body with no human being within.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Using intelligence as a metric for determining who is and isn't a human being creates horrible implications for the living. If we draw the line for abortion with the level of intelligence of the baby, what does that mean for those among us with autism, Down syndrome, and all manner of horrible mental afflictions? Do these unhappy men then not have the inherent value the rest of us do? And shall we draw the line with the ability of the baby to feel pain? What then does that mean for those who are in the hospital, on morphine, laughing gas, or some other numbing substance? Is it justified…  Read more

 @Name-IrrelevantConstitution from West Virginia agreed…3mos3MO

This is one of the best defenses of pre-born life I've read. Very few pro-choice advocates really consider what kind of doors are being opened when you define human life using any other metric than...well, life.

I'll add to that to answer the common "we unplug life support patients" argument. A brain dead patient on life support is still protected under law despite having no conscious thought and being "non-viable" on their own, and the only person permitted to pull the plug on them is someone who that patient previously gave express consent to do that (medical…  Read more



Imagine if you or someone close to you faced an unplanned pregnancy; how might that shape your views on abortion?

 @9H7XWBV from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

My opinions wouldn't change, I hold my belief that it is an individual's choice to do as they wish if pregnant.

 @9H7VD86 from Arizona answered…6mos6MO

 @9H7WH6GSocialist from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

I do not agree with abortion unless you get pregnant from being sexually assaulted or raped.

 @9H7VPVPRepublican from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

I think that abortion should only be allowed if the mother is at danger or the child is still born or heavily messed up


What roles do you think empathy and compassion should play when discussing the rights and choices surrounding unplanned pregnancies?

 @9HN2XNJDemocrat from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

I think abortion should be legal everywhere because woman have a choice on if they can support a baby or pay for it raise it etc.

 @9HN2NMZ from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

 @9HN2MQX from Connecticut answered…6mos6MO

empathy to the mother, you have to take in her account, her body her choice

 @9HN2N64 from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

I think that men shouldn't be making this decision for women because it doesn't effect them at all.


Do you believe there are any circumstances in which abortion should be allowed or do you feel it should never be an option?

 @9H7V8C3Republican from South Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I feel it should be allowed especially in the case that someone has been raped or if people had incest.

 @9H7XWBV from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

The person whom is getting the abortion she be allowed to get an abortion as long as it is safe to do so. No matter the case, the person seeking abortion deserves bodily autonomy.

 @9H7WFJSWomen’s Equality from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Yes! 100% It should always be allowed. It is a woman’s body and not the straight cis white privileged man who voted to take her rights away.

 @9H7VRH9Women’s Equalityanswered…6mos6MO

Due to women being more at risk of harassment, I think abortion should be legal to an extent. It should be banned after a certain amount of time as the child grows.


Can you think of a reason why someone might equate abortion with a moral wrongdoing?

 @9H6QSDD from New York answered…6mos6MO

Abortion is not a wrongdoing. It is a woman's choice and should NOT be in the hands of a man who will not carry a child for 9 months, endure horrific labor, and deal with the potential health problems after childbearing and birth. There are exceptions to when it is okay to do. If a woman is getting an abortion often, it can cause physical harm to their body. However, while adoption is an option, having children at an age where someone is not prepared, cannot afford to raise a child, or will not benefit the child, an abortion should not be looked upon as wrong.

 @9H9JG3Z from Texas answered…6mos6MO

No there is no reason why anyone would equate abortion with a moral wrongdoing. Why would you take away the right of someone on what they do with their own body? That is basic human right restriction and violates the most basic of human rights.

 @9H6QQ34from Maine answered…6mos6MO

they think killing live babys whilst its still just not even created in human body

 @9H9JJ72 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I would think abortion to a person's mind is like killing a child who just experienced the first few seconds of the world around until the journey ends quite abruptly.


How would you propose we provide support for parents who might otherwise consider abortion due to financial instability?

 @9HM2TNGRepublican from Oregon answered…6mos6MO

Provide a bare minimum to raise the child because abortion is not the answer

 @9HLYFDC from Utah answered…6mos6MO

I'd rather have them be put up for adoption at a low rate rather than killed, but I think before that you should just not have sex until you are ready to have children with a stable family in order.

 @9HLYCX9 from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Anti contraceptives are much cheaper than children or abortion. Abstinence is free.

 @9HLY4S5Green from Maryland answered…6mos6MO


How do your personal beliefs influence your stance on the value of potential life versus established life?

 @9HGMKBH from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

With so much wrong with the world today it feels selfish to obsess about the potential lives lost when established life is viewed as next to worthless. It rings hollow, one can’t be pro life if you don’t value your fellow humans life.

 @9HHBMGPDemocrat from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

I think that it should have nothing to do with religion, and people should have access to healthcare. It doesn't matter what your religious views are, because church and state should be separated. If someone is not able to care for a child, they should be able to do the best thing for themselves and their child.

 @9HGNGM3 from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

people should be able to chose if they want kids or not if they where irresponsible they should take responsibility for there actions but if is is case of rape they should be able to chose if they want to keep the child or not.

 @97JYDF7  from Michigan answered…6mos6MO


In what ways do you think men should be involved in conversations and decisions about abortion?


I think they should only be involved if the mother still is in contact with them.


They shouldn't be able to voice how they feel because they aren't the ones getting the abortions.

 @9HGLH2Y from New York commented…6mos6MO

None, they have no right to decide when it's not their body. If roles were reversed, men would have advocated for rights too.


Discuss the impact you believe a child's right to life has on discussions about contraception and education.


I think that abortion is sad, in that a child could have resulted from the pregnancy. However, if the life of the mother is in danger, if they are unable to properly care for the child, or if the kid could be exposed to an unsafe environment, I think that it is okay to receive an abortion. There should still be restrictions on when the abortion can occur during the pregnancy.

 @9HLMXHY from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I believe that abortion should always be an option, especially when the parent's life or future health is in jeopardy. But a child's right to life does exist, and I feel that it should hold more weight in the conversation of contraception, as an accidental pregnancy is still just a simple mistake, but the ability to abort a child with no consequence often causes conflict.

 @9HLMXY9Women’s Equality from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO


What are the ethical considerations that challenge your viewpoint when it comes to the abortion debate?


How might a society benefit from or be harmed by restricting access to abortion?