Try the political quiz

231 Replies


What would you like to improve in public transport if your local community could make the rules?


I would like to see a more accessible public bus route for suburban areas. Most suburbs lack public transportation of that sort, and it could make living cheaper for those that live in the area.

 @9LHYDQ6 from Arizona disagreed…2mos2MO

Including suburban streets would confuse everyone, buses are meant to take you near your destination, not to it, if you want to go to your specific location then just buy a car.


 @9LDWKXR from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

 @9LDXG9JGreen from Arizona answered…2mos2MO


If given the choice, would you vote for a political candidate advocating for regionalism, and what factors would influence your decision?

 @9HGMWVBProgressive  from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I would not because it has a lot more negative affects than positive and it just doesn’t look right to have a regionalist country

 @9HGMLVZ  from California answered…6mos6MO


How could a regional policy address the specific needs of homeless people or those in temporary housing in your community?

 @9KSD3HP from Colorado answered…3mos3MO

Different regions have different geographical hurdles to overcome, In Colorado, homeless people will need different things than in Miami.

 @9KSDGZT from Washington answered…3mos3MO

If the people are homeless they can help themselves out and therefore should receive minimal help from the government.

 @9KSDCQQDemocrat from Washington answered…3mos3MO

It could better assist those as different areas have different climates and resources.


Do you think a region should have the power to make laws that only apply to its residents?

 @9H93BT9 from Illinois answered…7mos7MO

 @9H92W2X from Tennessee answered…7mos7MO

 @9H93CF3 from California answered…7mos7MO

I do believe a region should be able to make laws that only apply to its residence.


Would you feel more connected to political decisions if they were made closer to home?

 @9HTY6SH from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Yes, because it would be more understanding and help me make a political choice.

 @9HTXYM3 from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9HTXF4Pfrom California answered…6mos6MO


What potential benefits or issues do you see in a scenario where your region's taxes are primarily reinvested locally?

 @9HPG78B from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO


Can giving more power to local regions strengthen or weaken a country's unity?


It could weaken the country's unity because if we give more power to local entities they can use that power to become so independent that we are no longer a united nation.

 @9H9839C from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

It would increase unity because it would make congressional debates less personal.


What are the potential benefits or drawbacks of your region having its own tax system?

 @9H4N4JM from Pennsylvania answered…7mos7MO

Yes because places can have lower taxes in low populated area and below the average salary.


Benefits = less tax for certain terrains like desert, mountain, and forest landscapes but drawbacks making some areas resided for rich and poor = inequality.


How would you feel if your local community had more control over its schools and hospitals?

 @9H9CHJQ from California answered…7mos7MO

It would likely be a more effective and actually make plans based on the communality's needs. However, it should go through a group more educated on the establishments.

 @9H9BVN2Green from Washington answered…7mos7MO

I think they would work more effectively since they would run it based on the communities opinions.


How could local approaches to environmental conservation be more effective than national ones?

 @9HT4SG7 from South Carolina answered…6mos6MO

a region is identified by its natural, adminis- trative or socio-economic boundaries, within which the main rural and land developmental issues are made explicit.


Can you think of a unique environmental aspect of your region that benefits from local knowledge?

 @9HT8HRPfrom Maine answered…6mos6MO


If your region developed its own social initiatives, which local issue would you want it to tackle first?

 @9KPQRK7 from California answered…3mos3MO

I’d want to control the activity of gangs and the violence resulting from them.

 @9KPQ6JK from Alabama answered…3mos3MO

Shortening the money to what needed in the community instead of the mayor or represenatitive taking it ffor themselves and what is needed in a community.


How might the interests and hobbies of young people in your area be better served by regional leadership?

 @9KDBNP6 from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

Well if we have a well educated dedicated leader who is in leadership for the right reasons not for his personal gain then yes have a regional leader.


I think people have the right to choose for themselves what they want to believe.


What could be the advantages or possible challenges of your region developing its own public transportation plans?

 @9JGTQN2 from Massachusetts answered…5mos5MO

The ability to travel without expenses could increase happiness, productivity, and economy

 @9JGTLQT from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO


In what ways could a stronger sense of regional identity contribute to your community’s well-being?

 @9HT4S99 from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

Improves Quality of Life
Regionalism offers a coordinated solution that weaves these systems and geographic areas together. This ultimately connects individuals to more housing, transportation and education options, greater job opportunities and improved social centers.


How might your region's unique history be better integrated into the education system with regional control?


Have cultural or linguistic differences in your area ever led to conflicts or misunderstandings with national policies?


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