Try the political quiz

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Is it the duty of the government to preserve a nation's traditional values, or should that be left to individuals?

 @9HFJ6VN from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I believe that it goes both ways. The government and individuals should work together to continue to keep the nations traditional values.

 @9HGGF72 from California answered…6mos6MO

I think it would go in both ways. If individuals prioritize the preservation of their nation's traditional values, they should actively strive towards it. Collaboration and collective efforts are essential in this endeavor, as it cannot solely rely on the responsibility of an individual or a single group

 @9HFFT2TDemocrat from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

individuals should have freedom to live however they please as long as they do not interfere with the freedom of others.

 @9HFJJ3PDemocrat from New York answered…6mos6MO


To what extent do you think policies should reflect the prevailing cultural values of your country?

 @9KC6RQK from Utah answered…3mos3MO

policies should support the constitution. Who determines what the prevailing cultural values are

 @9KC6KTY  from Washington answered…3mos3MO

Policies should reflect a country's dominant cultural values but it is important to strike a balance to avoid using them to manipulate and exclude other groups.

 @9KC66K2 from California answered…3mos3MO


In your experience, do cultural or sports events enhance feelings of national pride or divisiveness, and why?

 @9J2Q9D7 answered…5mos5MO

Sport exhaust of sexy of women by games and men's health handsomest of beautiful skies


Does a focus on strong national borders improve national security, or does it foster unnecessary fear of the 'other'?

 @9HCSN5C from Montana answered…6mos6MO

A focus on having a strong border does not indicate fear of the "other." The US is (or was) a sovereign nation and having a border where we evaluate the safety of who is entering our country is not racist, it's protecting the people inside it. A good analogy is locking the door to my house. I don't lock it because I hate everyone outside of it, it's because I want to protect the people inside of it from the unlikely, although possible, chance that someone who wants to cause the people inside of my house harm; so that I have the chance to evaluate who is safe to let in and make that decision.


Can you think of a moment when you felt that the 'common people's' voices were effectively heard in politics?

 @9HGT25CRepublican from California answered…6mos6MO


When faced with a political decision, how much do your personal experiences versus media representations influence your choice?

 @9HPD22CIndependent from New York answered…6mos6MO

I always base my choices off personal experience, not what people or the media tells me.


How do you perceive the balance between economic growth and the protection of workers in traditionally low-wage sectors?

 @9D3WC5F  from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

Right wing populism is right. Abandon myths like the wage gap. Deregulate. Abolish taxes.


Have there been moments when you felt misunderstood or misrepresented by political labels, and why?


Most definitely, I think there are way too many options, and two that there is no need to box yourself into any categories. Just vote how you feel.

 @9JB73QC from West Virginia commented…4mos4MO


Can you cite a scenario where you felt the needs of your community were bypassed for the sake of national interests?



Taxing of people in my bracket. We need the money but the government is taking it to pay for other people.


Do you feel that a more homogeneous society is safer and more stable, or does diversity bring strength?


i feel like diversity brings strength, it brings new ideas, and people who can think well enough to help us.


Have social media platforms exposed you to more diverse political opinions, and if so, have any challenged your own views?

 @9HPD674 from Delaware answered…6mos6MO

No social media platforms have exposed me to more diverse political views because I don't use social media.


Can you share a moment when you felt your personal freedoms were challenged by security measures, and what was your reaction?

 @9HTN46Mfrom Maine commented…5mos5MO

I think that during the COVID pandemic my freedom of travelling was challenged because of the restricitions.


What role do you believe the media plays in the rise or fall of right-wing populist movements?


I think the media plays almost the biggest role in movements of any kind.


What experiences have made you skeptical or supportive of claims that the 'elite' are disconnected from regular citizens?

 @9L8QZDD from Utah answered…2mos2MO

Billionaires thinking a single banana is $10 and not seeing a problem with that.


Have you ever felt that a specific policy or political stance might limit your future opportunities, and why?

 @9L872Q3 from Georgia answered…2mos2MO

NO! Right wing populism is great and accurate and destroying the corrupt establishment.


How do you feel about the concept that certain cultural or national identities might be lost without protectionist measures?

 @9H6K24M from Florida answered…6mos6MO


To what extent have technological advances and social media changed the way you engage with or perceive right-wing populist ideas?

 @9KYGDSMIndependence from California answered…3mos3MO

I believe that social media has brought me closer to some people, including friends and family who are in other areas/states/countries


How can a country balance the desire for cultural unity with the need to respect individual freedoms and diversity?

 @9KX7HXNfrom Maine answered…3mos3MO

The US is already doing so. Immigrants are assimilating well and generally the only thing preventing integration is legal barriers artificially imposed by the government.


How do you feel about the role of charismatic leaders in shaping the public's political beliefs?

 @9KC5JKL from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

I think if the public can get behind a candidate then they should be allowed to be how they feel the people need


What has been a personal consequence of economic protectionism or deregulation you have observed in your area?

 @9KBB52P from Illinois answered…3mos3MO


Can you share an experience where you felt positively or negatively impacted by a policy aimed at national interests over global concerns?

 @9JPWGMYRepublican from Michigan answered…4mos4MO


How does the idea of protecting your cultural identity influence your stance on political issues?


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