Try the political quiz

258 Replies


Do you think your concerns as a young person are more likely to be addressed by local or national governments, and why?

 @9LF3YCG from California answered…2mos2MO

national, its obvious the younger generations is seeking into elections and our opinion powers are growing

 @9LF47HN from California answered…2mos2MO

Not really because majority of them are a lot older so they assume that you would be asking a "dumb" question or one that is "common sense"

 @9LF46QR  from California answered…2mos2MO

I think my concerns are most likely to be addressed by the national government because they would be able to understand more I would say.


In what ways do you think a state with greater control over broadcasting and media might affect the information you receive?

 @9LFP6K4 from Utah answered…2mos2MO

 @9LFP6DP from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

 @9LFNW5H from Colorado answered…2mos2MO


How does federalism contribute to or detract from the sense of unity and shared purpose among residents of your state?

 @9LGJJBF from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Federalism can contribute to a sense of unity by allowing states to address unique local needs while being part of a larger whole. It can also bring about differences in politics among states ,which may impact the sense of national unity .

 @9LGHKCGDemocrat from California answered…2mos2MO

I think it can make things complicated when understanding what rules to follow, but I believe it has been our fairest system.

 @9LGHGHYGreen from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Creates a problematic/tense space for people, arguing over their political views


How might your personal rights and freedoms be impacted if the balance of power shifted significantly towards either the national or state governments?

 @9HGNSLF from Alabama answered…6mos6MO

if the power shifted towards the states then there would be more diversity in the law.

 @9HGN76X from California answered…6mos6MO

My rights would increase if the power shifted to state government, but would decrease with a national government.

 @9HGNF43Democrat from Georgia answered…6mos6MO


Can you imagine a scenario where federalism could either help or hinder your country during a crisis?

 @9HGM4R8 from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

 @9HGM5XDSocialist from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

 @9HGLWQW from Florida answered…6mos6MO


What are the benefits or drawbacks you've experienced from your state or province having powers separate from the central government?

 @9HPWW8H from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

Some fundamental rights have been questioned in the past because of federalism. Specifically marriage laws.

 @9HPWW6TRepublican from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

People are sometimes just confused as to what is allowed when there are so many different rules.

 @9HPWW59 from Iowa answered…6mos6MO


Do you think a federal system makes it easier or harder to enact important social changes, and can you provide an example?


i think it makes it harder as all states and the federal goverment has to agree to pass amendments


How does federalism influence your feelings of representation and self-governance?

 @9HY526G from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Federalism does not influence my feelings of representation and self-governance, because I am not completely sure what federalism is.

 @9HY4K42 from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

I think that we were heading in the right direction with the idea of federalism but have strayed away from that path today


Have you ever found yourself wishing for more or less federal intervention during a local event or crisis, and why?

 @9HY46LW from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

 @9HXDC92 from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO


Do you think a strong central government is more important for stability, or should individual states have more freedom to govern themselves?

 @9H8ZLL7 from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

I think a strong central government is more important, but at least let the states contribute on their freedom also.

 @9H8Z4SX from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

I think that a strong central government is more important because it helps to keep all the states equal and have a sense of equality, while still allowing the states to have their own power.


What changes might occur in your daily life if regional governments had more power in healthcare decisions?

 @9KNLT5R from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

 @9KNLCBX from Texas answered…3mos3MO


How would you feel if your local state government had more control over the issues that affect your daily life than the national government?

 @9H95SGV from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

I would feel a type of way because a low level government is having control over it than a higher government.

 @9H95NPK from Alabama answered…7mos7MO

I would feel sad because the government is untimaly made up of the people.


In your opinion, does dividing power between national and local governments help protect individual freedoms or could it lead to inequality between regions?

 @9H8NZYDRepublican from Wisconsin answered…7mos7MO

 @9H8NMWF from Indiana answered…7mos7MO

I think it could lead to inequality, states are already indpendent and if they were any more it could create inequality.


Imagine your ideal balance of power between local and national governments; what does it look like, and how does it work?

 @9HY68KC from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

My ideal balanaced idea looks like an equally powered nation that relies on each other and cannot have power to overthrow one another's branch.


How could living in a state with significant autonomy shape your personal identity or community values?

 @9HY5KPGWomen’s Equality from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO


How would the dynamics in your local community change if certain federal laws didn't apply?


How would you articulate the impact of federalism on the opportunities and challenges presented in your local job market?


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