Try the political quiz

67 Replies

 @7FDN267  from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Those who are able and refuse to work actively limit the ability of the Government to provide financial assistance to those who actually need it.

 @Name-IrrelevantConstitution  from West Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

Those depending on welfare are already being manipulated every election season. "Vote for me or the other guy will take your benefits away." We don't need an entire society at the mercy of the state, who can threaten to take that income away whenever we step out of line.

 @9GTNTG8Republican from Oklahoma agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that many people in the united states take advantage of financial aid. I do believe in some instances that financial aid is useful, but since so many people take advantage of it then I believe it needs to be limited. it is not fair for people to choose not to work and live off of financial aid.

 @9G4GJQV from Iowa disagreed…8mos8MO

Universal basic income is unjust, for it is helping some but placing the burdens on others, it is not fair for one to pay for another without the consent of the payer.

 @9GN56PS  from Michigan agreed…8mos8MO

We all start at $0 currently in this world. But if we started at the living wage, we wouldn’t have to worry about how we can eat, live, or survive. It’s like a Chuck E-Cheez, give people tokens to participate and you will see an explosion in involvement and innovation of new businesses that benefit us all rather than financial struggle.

 @9GTLTYR from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no such thing as a free lunch. A tax break for one generation guarantees a tax hike for future generations. Decrease economic output. People respond to incentives.

 @9FT79ZV from California disagreed…9mos9MO

If we do have a U.B.I., It takes a lot of money to cover it. We would have to rase taxes and people would nt want to pay it. This would make GDP suffer and US defict would increase and the state would have to take more and more.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…9mos9MO

We wouldn't have to increase taxes, heck we could just take some of our military spending to cover it if need be. More importantly, what exactly is the "price" of ending poverty?

 @9G3468YRepublican from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

No, it will make people stop working and rely on this for a living. Also, the income poor people receive comes from the majority of the middle class. So instead of raising the lower class up, it seems that by doing this we will be pushing the middle class further down so that they are more equal to the lower class.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

No, it will make people stop working and rely on this for a living.

Literally every test and study that has been done on UBIs has proven the exact opposite. When provided a guaranteed stable income, very few people actually quit working completely, and of those that did, the overwhelming majority were either mothers who chose to stay at home to raise their kids or young adults who chose to instead attend higher education. Additionally, having that guaranteed financial stability often led people to leave lower-paying jobs and pursue higher-paying careers instead, thus promoting wage increases all across the area, since people are less dependent on staying in crappy low-wage jobs. It's an improvement that benefits everyone, except for those that rely on exploiting the poor...

 @AwedRobinLibertarian from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

The famous Mincome experiment in Dauphin, Canada in the 1970s saw a small decrease in work hours, mostly among new mothers and teenagers. However, this was a time-limited experiment in a single town, during a period of high inflation and unemployment.

In addition to this, the funding of a nationwide UBI is a significant concern. It would require a substantial increase in public expenditure, which would likely necessitate higher taxes or increased public debt. For instance, a UBI set at the poverty line in the U.S. (about $12,000 per year) would cost approximately $3 trillion per year, about…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

There are more experiments and tests done on this than just that Canadian one, and yet they all show objective improvement.

Secondly, the price isn't as significant of a concern as it sounds when considering the fact that such a UBI drastically improves economic stimulation to begin with, as well as prevents the unnecessary public costs we currently have to put into alleviating issues of homelessness and poverty, which would would largely be resolved by such a UBI. Not to mention the number of other programs and bureaucracy that this could eliminate the need for, and the savings that come…  Read more

 @AwedRobinLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…8mos8MO

The US experimented with UBI when the government sent out relief checks after COVID.

This caused massive inflation.

How would UBI not cause inflation?

 @9N4ZXVPLibertarian from Illinois disagreed…3wks3W

Cost and abuse. What mechanisms would be in place to stop recipients from spending their UBI on whatever they want- regardless of necessity?

 @9KXV2KP from Guam disagreed…3mos3MO

You are not taking into account people who didn't work for or earn that money, and billions or extra dollars will be taken from the American tax payer that they rightfully earned.

 @9HS4B5GLibertarian  from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

Who will pay for this? Currently it seems like republicans take from middle class to give to rich and Democrats take from middle class to give to poor

 @9HLWQ69Libertarian from Ohio disagreed…6mos6MO

No. This will lead to mass abandonment of the work force, particularly in customer service based occupations such as: retail, food service, etc.

 @9LZVW3Cfrom Guam disagreed…2mos2MO

The money would have to come from somewhere so it would cause a new tax burden and it would artificially increase the cost of goods.

 @9LYPFQF from Oklahoma disagreed…2mos2MO

Socialism has been shown to fail time and time again. It leads to economic stagnation and eventual failure. Capitalism may have its faults, but they it is better to control capitalism and keep it under check than to try and deal with the idealistic mess that is socialism. Humans are too imperfect for such a system to work.

 @9LSR4K9 from Nevada agreed…2mos2MO

Universal basic income is a floor to stand on. Ensures that everyone can get their basic needs met. You won’t be penalized or have your money cut off for making more money. After making over a certain amount of income, the basic income can be recouped through taxes. Like is someone makes over $200,000 annually.

 @9LRBRNS from Georgia disagreed…2mos2MO

There should be a limitation to ensure that people are not disincentivized to work and leech off the state.

 @9LPKMK8 from Missouri disagreed…2mos2MO

I believe that many people in the united states take advantage of financial aid. I do believe in some instances that financial aid is useful, but since so many people take advantage of it then I believe it needs to be limited. it is not fair for people to choose not to work and live off of financial aid.

 @9GF574T from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

As a free and predominantly capitalist country I believe that you should live off and bear the fruit of your own labor and so do not agree with the practice of harvesting someone’s work to give to someone else who didn’t work for it

 @9FVKRWL from California disagreed…9mos9MO

This should not be supported. People will be lazy and will never go to work again. Instead, they will ruin the working class


universal basic income helps everyone that needs it and does not stunt the economie as they government recives enough money in taxes to afford this. the amount of money that persons with disabilitys get is not enough to support someone and it deprives them of basic human things like love. it does not work so something like universal basic income is better for everyone involved.

 @9FMXHRS from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Doesn't support a capitalistic economy. Less growth and prosperity, as well as a higher national debt, high interest rates, and high inflation.

 @9FB2NL5 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

That only individuals who can't support themselves due to age or a disability should receive supplemental income. All other citizens should be required to finance their own life.

 @9F7ZYX7 from Maryland agreed…9mos9MO

Evidence from hundreds of studies shows that unconditional cash transfers (a form of UBI) have an empowering effect on the recipients. Not only is the money not wasted, but total expenditures on "temptation goods" (alcohol, tobacco, etc.) actually decrease. Furthermore there is no systematic evidence that a UBI discourages work. Some studies even report an increase in labor participation among recipients. And because an influx of cash encourages more total expenditure, UBI tends to have a positive effect on overall employment, even among non-recipients. The interesting exceptions…  Read more

 @9GBDTKP from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Single mothers become stressed and depressed trying to provide for themselves and their children and I think that this would take a lot of stress off their shoulders.

 @9FZB3ZN from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

That would destroy capitalism and reduce some people's will to innovate. If people have a higher risk or effort for a lower reward then why would they continue to work in such an environment.

 @9FW6CZ4 from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

Here’s a great article to support my Idea that degrowth is good—>

 @9G8P5KL from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Universal basic income incentivizes more people to not work. It is also proven that working makes people healthier.

  @button_down_royalty_  from Florida commented…2yrs2Y

Personally, I do believe this would greatly improve the quality of life for many people. Yes, it is true that some people may spend it on things like drugs which are detrimental to their physical and mental health, but for most people it would keep them afloat through tough times (like sickness, injury, loss, etc). There is also the stance that it would give the government control. That is true, and a concern for me and others, so I would propose something like a yearly or three times yearly review and vote by the people of each area for how the current system is working and if they need more…  Read more


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