Try the political quiz

79 Replies

 @9GGQJ6DRepublican  from Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

Top Disagreement

The right to vote is only granted to American citizens. The right to vote has only been granted to citizens by the Constitution.


If they are not citizens of the United States they should not have a say on who is going into office

 @9GK28G3CA Common Sensefrom Maine disagreed…8mos8MO

Foreigners are not americans. There should be no place in America where they have a say in how americans live

 @Name-IrrelevantConstitution  from West Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Agreed. What other country on the planet would allow a U.S. citizen to enter their country and choose their leaders for them? Self-determination is exactly that: SELF-determination. Not other-determination.

 @9GJBF8T from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

They should not be allowed to vote if they are not a legal U.S. Citizen as only someone who is truly a part of the country should be allowed to vote on who goes into office.

 @9GKNC46 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Foreigners do not pay any taxes or contribute at all to any level of any system in the US, and thus should not tip scales in political decisions in either direction

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

Immigrants are actually one of the much harder worker groups in america, and they're also the main thing keeping America above the replacement rate, not to mention that most come with the intention of citizenship but are held back by our slow and painfully bad immigration system.


I believe that these foreigners, as they are not citizens of the U.S. should not have any voting rights.

 @9FBCL6R from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

its like you visiting someone scountry and wanting to change things about it its not right its like you just got here and want to chnage stuff in our country when there views could be very bad for our country only american citizens should be able to vote

 @9GNG6HG from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

If anyone wants to vote, they must become a citizen or return to the locale where they are citizens.

 @9GKLJH7Republican from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

No they are not legal citizens there fore they shouldn't have a say in whats going on in the United States

 @9GKBDVBLibertarian from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Anyone who enters the country illegally should never be allowed to vote. They should be required to leave the country and apply to our immigration or asylum programs in the accepted legally until then they have shown that they cannot follow the US laws and should not be allowed to vote to influence them

 @9GQ2XSB from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

I don’t think that foreigners should be able to vote in any election here in the United States of America. Foreigners should vote in elections that are held in their country of origin.

Once they become a United States citizen, then they have the right to vote, and not until then.

 @9FWM2PS from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

They shouldn't be allowed to vote at all if they are not American citizens. If they are legal and gone through the process of obtaining citizenship it would be acceptable.

 @9GPP8YB from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Foreigners who have gone through the process to become citizens have full authority to vote for whomever they choose, though illegal immigrants have no right to participate in any election.

 @9FTQRP3 from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

No they should only be able to vote when they are a citezen and own a house or appratment and also have a job.

 @9GFPC8ZRepublican from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

They shouldn't be allowed to vote at all if they are not American citizens. If they are legal and gone through the process of obtaining citizenship it would be acceptable.

 @9GJYJQL from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Foreigners who are NOT legalized citizens should not be given any rights even those of the constitution.

 @9GLCKRC from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

They are Foreigners, they can leave if they want, but they should not have a say in who is running our country.

 @9GF8FCBRepublican from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

This doesnt make much sense to me considering that the national government laws when in conflict with local laws trump the local laws. So by giving them the right to vote in the national elections, you are giving them the right to vote in the elections that matter the most. And this is concerning considering that the foreigners could be from other countries trying to screw up the elections for the interest of their own country.

 @9GJ268K from Montana disagreed…8mos8MO

they should be allowed to vote at all as long as they are a not a citizen of the United States then they shouldnt be able to vote because it says we the people of the united states not we the people from everywhere

 @9GJQNM2Veteran from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

No, foreign interest should not have a venue to deciding our domestic policies or elected officials.
Giving control of our voting system to foreign interest is equivalent to surrendering our national sovereignty.

 @9GNGLKHIndependent from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

If the reasoning for wanting them to vote in national elections is because they're involved in US society, wouldn't they also be involved in their own local communities? I feel like it'd be kind of hypocritical to let foreigners vote on one thing but not the other.

 @9GLVG2J from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

They are not citizens of the United States and therefore are not as invested in local and governmental affairs


Foreigners should not vote because they dont live in this country every 365 days and do not know the economic and social struggle many Americans have to go through.

 @9GLSPWF from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

If a foreigner were ever allowed to vote, then it should be for local governments only, because they would directly affect where they live and their lives there.

 @9GPHSY9 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Foreigners should not be allowed to vote simply because they are not US citizens. Only US citizens should be able to vote.

 @9GD43VS from California disagreed…8mos8MO

They didn't go through the hardship to become a US citizen, so I don't see any reason for giving them the right to vote.

 @9GCYHPB from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Foreigners should be accessed the right to vote in local elections just not the country election. Although they can't make decisions for the country, they live here and should be allowed to make changes or decisions within their area.

 @9FV8Y2Q from Idaho disagreed…9mos9MO

Foreigners should be accessed the right to vote in local elections just not the country election. Although they can't make decisions for the country, they live here and should be allowed to make changes or decisions within their area.

 @9FJCZKF from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

because they don't involved in their country, they shouldn't have the right to vote. They may make wrong choices to harm the country.

 @9F6D22T from Oklahoma disagreed…9mos9MO

If I went to another person's home and started making rules in their household, would they like that? No, so why would we allow someone who doesn't live in our country, or pays taxes for our country? It's like if you got into someone else's car and started moving things around, changing the thermostat, and changing the music to fit there taste, and you just have to allow them that chance. I don't think so.

 @9GMLRFN from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

They shouldn’t be allowed to vote in any elections here unless they have citizenship, would you want to vote for the laws of Germany?

 @9GJXR6TIndependent from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

They are not citizens and are therefore excluded from the privileges thereof. I would never move to a foreign country and expect to vote in local elections without gaining citizenship.

 @9GJLPS3 from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

As illegal residents they are not afforded the benefits of American Citizenship. Therefore their could be profound effects on the election and irreparable harm to those who came legally and spent much money to become citizens and follow the law.

 @9GJDLHV from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

why would you want foreigners who don't know anything about our country and could screw it up with their vote the right to vote in the big election and not local elections which aren't necessarily that important?

 @9GHGD6N from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Given that they are foreign nationals, they should not have a voice in the laws and policies of our federal government. As members of our local communities, they may have an important part in our towns and cities. As such I would contend that they are more deserving of voice in local than federal elections.

 @9GG95CB from Virginia disagreed…8mos8MO

They should not be allowed to vote in any election at all. Saying that they shouldn't be allowed to vote in local elections proves already that you do not think that they should vote.

 @9GMQQW5 from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

Votes from foreigners will not properly reflect the will of the people because they do not live in the country. Only temporarily.

 @9GM3SJT from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Either they have the right or they don't. Yes a lot of the decisions based on our lives start at a local level, but if you're giving them national access, do the whole thing or apply your reasoning to the rest and be realistic.

 @9GDVZSC from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Local elections are the most consequential elections because they most directly affect people's lives. Civic engagement is critical in democracy, and people who vote in local elections tend to vote in state and national elections too. Everyone who lives in a community should have the right to vote on the issues that affect that community.

 @9GBLWGL from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

They definitely should not be allowed to vote in larger elections like the presidential and primaries, we would all be speaking mandarin right now if non citizens could vote as soon as they arrive in this country.

 @9G9KTYZ from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

They should not be allowed to vote federally because they will vote with the option that makes their home country more valuable that is if they are planning to move back and live there permanently.

 @9G66TP7Republican from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

They should not be allowed to vote in any election at all. Saying that they shouldn't be allowed to vote in local elections proves already that you do not think that they should vote.

 @9FW6QW8 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

It's important to note that the debate over foreign voting rights in local elections varies from place to place and depends on local laws, policies, and the specific demographics of the region. While there are valid concerns on both sides of the argument, the counter-argument outlined above emphasizes inclusivity, fairness, and the idea that local governance should reflect the interests and contributions of all residents, regardless of their nationality or citizenship status.

 @9G5KV55 from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

Not allowing foreigners to vote in local elections but allowing them to vote in National elections is entirely counteractive to the point of allowing foreigners to vote. All Americans, and foreigners are more likely to have strong feelings about their local goings on, so disallowing them from making decisions about their new home while still allowing them to vote on national issues is moronic and defeats the purpose of the question proposed.

 @9FY483L from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

For the same reason cited above; The voting public looks at the candidates stances on public policy, and how it will benefit the individual that is voting. A non citizen will be incentivized for example to vote for policies that promote benefit to their country of citizenship over benefit to the USA. Obtaining citizenship demonstrates commitment to the USA and will provide better policy alignment when considering candidates.

 @9GHYLL6Republican from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

i think they are not allowed to vote but president biden is letting them in because he knows that he wont win witout them so he lets them in feeds the houses them and tells them to vote for him in return.

 @9FGNR23Libertarian from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Local elections are less important and impactful, so if they can't be trusted for those then why would they be trusted with any other voting?

 @9GHHVXP from Alabama disagreed…8mos8MO

because they don't involved in their country, they shouldn't have the right to vote. They may make wrong choices to harm the country.


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