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171 Replies

 @9GLF8NY from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

Yes, Because we are paying our taxes so our country is safe and secure but with the wall on the southern border we would be much safer.

 @9GLG4XDPeace and Freedom from Michigan disagreed…7mos7MO

if they are importing stuff or something it is fine, though people will dissagree. they can't get mexican and southern american stuff

 @9GMZCN2Republican  from Mississippi agreed…7mos7MO

Because the southern border has had millions ove ILLEGAL immigrants coming in all the time and our government does absolutely NOTHING about it. Instead of them thinking that it’s a problem they think it’s a good thing and try to financially aid them with money, phones, and housing!!! We do need to build a wall because how else would we stop this??? And if they’re allowed to vote, (which is the goal) there will never be another republican president…..WHICH IS THE GOAL!!
-a 12 year old.

 @9GN7L7J from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

If they are illegal then they are illegal, make them screw off at the border unless they can become a registered citizen of the US.

 @9GNDKHK  from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

The border wall needs fully built to cover every inch of the southern border. Any documentary with the border patrol agency clearly shows that the areas with the wall in place are able to be secured, managed, and reacted to by law enforcement agents in a timely manner. The vast majority of illegal immigrants come in through the gaps and areas where there is no wall to stop them. A fully established border wall will not fully stop illegal immigrates but it will drastically improve the Federal Border Agency's ability to contain the flow, give agents time to intercept breaches, and at the very least minimize the problem.

 @9GNT3JYPeace and Freedom from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

They will find way to go over it and take it down theres no use expensive and useless USA is in dept for a reason

 @9GNSX59 from Oregon disagreed…7mos7MO

Immigrants should be allowed into America. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." By rejecting immigrants entrance into America, we set a standard that we pretend everyone is welcome, but all are not. The border wall needs to be torn down and defunded, unless we want to have our own Berlin wall.

 @9GNTFY6 from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

America is a place that has always welcomed and been built upon immigrants. Now when people are fleeing their country in desperation, we want to keep them out?

 @9GNT3XBProgressive from Minnesota disagreed…7mos7MO

We first need to understand why people are coming into our country before we think about the border. They could be refugees of something undocumented, or they could be migrants for similar reasons. Building a wall isn't going to do much other than temporarily fix the issue. If people are desperate enough, too, they will likely find a way over the wall to escape any conflict or natural disaster that they are facing within their country if they can't wait to stop and ask for help.


Yes, we need to build the border wall so that we do not have bad people coming in and so we do not have to raise taxes for those who cannot afford to live here.

 @9F7XPV7Republican from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

With increased security on the border with Donald trump as president the flow of illegal immigrants slowed and the smuggling of substances was lowered


many immigrants move to the U.S for a better life escaping the wars going on in there home land or just to provide their kids with a better chance of education

 @9F82WVW from California agreed…9mos9MO

These immigrants are allowing our money is be spent on these people who came into the country illegally and bringing their diseases and drugs into the country. The wall will prevent all these things and also halting smuggling and prevent terrorists attacks.

 @9F7JCVP from Wyoming agreed…9mos9MO

The wall makes a port of entry just like the walls to a house have to be there to make the door which would be our port of entry, the port of entry is important because we can make checks on people at the border so we aren't letting terrible things like human trafficking and drugs into our country.

 @9FP6RLL from Arizona agreed…8mos8MO

20 million illegal immigrants have come across the border in the past few years, this has caused an increase in taxpayer money being spent on people who aren't US citizens, and crime rates have spiked as well as drug overdoses from drugs coming from the Southern border.

 @9F83QWX from Arizona agreed…9mos9MO

More than eight million people have illegally crossed the borders of the US since 2021. This number is greater that the population of 38 US States. The number of got-a-ways is approximately one million. At the end of 2022 there were 1.9 million cases pending in the immigration courts. By the end of 2023 that number will be over 2 million. The number is growing with no end in sight. The system can not keep up. Immigration puts a strain on the budgets of local schools. Cities and states around the country can not accommodate migrants. In NYC alone, migrants have been placed in more than 200 hotels and other facilities that house 60,000 migrants. This is unsustainable.

 @9F7KBPG from California agreed…9mos9MO

Building a wall would guarantee a boundary that reiterates the U.S. being a state, not an open territory for anyone to live in because they need refuge. There needs to be an order to allowing immigrants to come into the country, no matter how dire the need for refuge is.

 @9F7XX6RRepublican from Utah agreed…9mos9MO

The Department of Homeland Security states that the average number of illegal crossings daily is 3,360. Having the Border Wall would decrease this number substantially helping us slow the flow of illegal drugs and potential terrorists. It also keeps American jobs for American citizens and bolsters our national security.

 @9GMRLKW from New York agreed…7mos7MO

Given the mass influx of illegal immigrants, threats from terror groups, and drug cartels, without a border, we have significantly less security in the country. With these dangers, we could be economically harmed, physically harmed, or even completely just attacked.

 @9F7ZXBDRepublican from Alabama agreed…9mos9MO

Many narcotics and other dangerous items and people enter through our Southern Border. This wall will allow us to protect our homeland and people from these deadly substances such as fentanyl and cartels that have made their way into Arizona, New Mexico, California, Texas, and even Belle Glade, FL

 @9F7FKD8 from West Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

A border will keep illegal drugs and crime out of our country that has been responsible for many deaths due to drugs and violence. Our economy will be more successful without a mass of illegal immigrants running around in need of support.

 @9F8CQCYIndependent from Florida agreed…9mos9MO

The amount of drugs and crime that enters through our borders is astounding. We must protect the American people.

 @9F8DL7N from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

There is almost half a million migrants rushing my borders right now and a good chunk of it is human trafficking.

 @9F7ZFMG from California agreed…9mos9MO

There are too many jobs being taken from American citizens. The homeless situation could be helped if we allow them to get jobs. We should allow the immigration and becoming legal process to become easier so less people try to get in illegally.

 @9F7WWH9 from Oklahoma agreed…9mos9MO

The wall should be built to protect the US not only as people but it will also help keep taxes down and keep america free. You shouldn´t be able to just walk into another country without going through some sort of customs. It also would give many americans jobs to help build and protect.

 @9F7VJ2Y from Kansas agreed…9mos9MO

There are so many illegal immigrants coming over and bringing drugs. They bring drugs like fentanyl and that has become very dangerous. They bring over cartels as well. With a border wall, we would be able to control who comes over a lot better than right now.

 @9F8DZD4 from Florida agreed…9mos9MO

Knowing who is coming in and out of our country is paramount for our safety. If our border is open, anyone can come in. Whether they be here for good purpose or a malicious one.

 @9GKNLBRRepublican from Nebraska agreed…7mos7MO

So the Cartel cannot send illegal drugs into the country, So they can't illegally come to the country

 @9F7PXTPRepublican from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Look at El Paso, the damage done to that town from illegal migration is horrible and will only increase.

 @9F7V5W9 from Arizona agreed…9mos9MO

the border wall will be the best way to limit the people from coming over and also limit the people living on the street

 @9F7P7JC from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

There are many people that come to the states from Mexico for bad things like drugs and child smuggling and since we have an open border rn anyone can get on our country especially criminals and gang members.

 @9GJDZP5 from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

fentanyl is popping up in America, because cartels are illegally smuggling it over, not to mention the other criminals, like rapist and murderers. Our Border security is too weak we need to deal with the cartels so illegal immigrant wont have to flee their homes.

 @9GHZNLG from California agreed…7mos7MO

With so many illegal immigrants coming through the border, crime rates are starting to rise. I mean look at how much more fentanyl is popping up in America, because immigrants are illegally smuggling it over, not to mention the other criminals, like rapist and murderers.

 @9GJGNHPIndependent from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Being able to decrease illegal immigration will help spare our country with economic hardship, and we will focus on allowing more illegal immigration. Drug smuggling would also go down, and would save lives. Not putting up a wall will latterly kill some of the addicted.

 @9F7FZ5V from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

The opioid crisis. Human trafficking, the drug cartels, we have too many people coming in with no where to go.

 @9GJ8FCD from California agreed…7mos7MO

we should have a wall because all of these illegals that come across the border are spreading out into the country and bringing their nasty drugs in to.

 @9GLSPQHIndependent from New York agreed…7mos7MO

To keep illegal immigrants out of the united states, we have gotten too lenient on immigrants and need to kick them out of the us and build a wall

 @9FV4NRJRepublican from Colorado agreed…8mos8MO

Studies show that the fentanyl is from Mexico and the illegal immigrants are bringing it into our country.

 @9D4SDCBRepublican from Tennessee commented…10mos10MO

Because the southern boarder is the source of several very bad things. Illegal immigration, the growing drug problem (which leads to all sorts of other issues), sex trafficking, slavery, financial drain on the economy, lack of assimilation, and much more. Until recently, protecting the southern boarder was a platform issue for candidates on both sides of the table as far back as I can remember. Including Bill Clinton and Obama if I am not mistaken. Protecting the boarder was agreed upon by both sides going back to decades. What changed in the last several years?

 @P0l1cyGabriella from Illinois commented…10mos10MO

Labor shortage = high inflation.

"The labor shortage is pushing inflation in affluent countries where employers, competing for workers, are raising wages to hire and keep them. “I do think more migrant workers would reduce the inflation rate,” said Spencer Cox, the Republican governor of Utah, which has a 2.4% unemployment rate, slimmer than even the U.S. rate of 3.4%"

 @9F8BZYSRepublican from Missouri agreed…9mos9MO

The immigrants come here illegally and get the same rights we do that they didn't do anything to earn except to hop a border

 @9F7GBB4 from Arizona agreed…9mos9MO

Once again look at how New York is cutting funding across the board on all agency to pay for the illegal immigrants.

 @9F7XR2V from Indiana agreed…9mos9MO

It won't be a sure no to all immigrants but there should be a process and proof they want the benefits of the U.S., not to screw with it's success.

 @9FCQ8S3 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

First, the wall would be too expensive and take too long, that is why Trump was never able to finish it while he was president. Second, the country relies on the hard work and labor that Latinos cross the border to do and that whites are not willing to do. You can see the results happening in real time in Florida ever since DiSantis passed his immigration policy, fruit is being left to rot because there are no workers anymore who are willing to pick it, homes are left half built because all the construction workers have left the state due to being undocumented and the states overall tourist revenue has gone down because people don’t want to visit the state anymore. Building a wall would be detrimental to the economy in the long run.

 @9FDFRYW from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

Why would it matter the united states is letting illegal immigrants in anyways

 @9FD7Q3H from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Latinos cross the border to do and that whites are not willing to do. You can see the results happening in real time in Florida ever since DiSantis passed his immigration policy, fruit is being left to rot because there are no workers anymore who are willing to pick it, homes are left half built because all the construction workers have left the state due to being undocumented

No; farmers, construction foremen, and other manual laborer bosses hire illegal immigrants so that they can be paid under the minimum wage without complaint. If they /do/ raise a fuss - straight to prison.

If fair wages were paid out to all, and farmers didn't want to offshore dole out their labor to the lowest common denominator, perhaps we'd see a little more white people in more menial work. Like how we do with all our manufacturing in China, and Thailand, and Vietnam - all those jobs being done by child laborers used to all be done by American men in factories getting paid 15-17+ dollars an hour, you know.

 @CrummyOctopusfrom Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

You raise some interesting points, particularly about the economic impact of stricter immigration policies. However, it's worth noting that the cost of border security has been a contentious issue for decades, with both sides of the political aisle at times advocating for increased funding. The complexity of the issue goes beyond the cost of physical infrastructure.

On the other hand, it's important to remember that the goal of immigration policy is not to provide cheap labor but to regulate who enters the country, for what purpose, and for how long. The issue of jobs that "wh…  Read more

 @9GLLRQ3 from Louisiana agreed…7mos7MO

The more people we let in the higher the taxes the more increase in population and the more we need to build along with more homeless

 @9GJT38KRepublicanfrom Maine agreed…7mos7MO

Well, we need better immigration control because at this point we do not know who is entering our country. Do you leave your door open when you're at home? I dont think you or any1 does because its a matter of security. We need to help the right immigrants and for that we need to filter out the bad apples from the good apples. I'm not agains immigration, I'm against uncontrolled immigration. Sadly the wall is the only way right now to stop the drug, guns and humans trafficking happening at the borders.

 @9FG92Y6 from Arkansas disagreed…9mos9MO

Its a useless expenditure of money in which you could use the resources it would take to cover more area along the border than a wall ever would.


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