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124 Replies

  @Yaunti2  from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

Planned Parenthood serves 2.4 million people yearly. It's not just about abortions, but overall health. It's a critical part of our collective healthcare consciousness. Lives depend on these services and to deny them is to deny life.

 @9FPJ389 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Planned Parenthood is taking more lives than it is saving. They are already denying life by denying babies the right to be alive, the right to be born and live. A small percentage of modern abortions are for health reasons, and the majority is women just not wanting the baby. It is also detrimental to mental health after you get an abortion, and many women tell stories of intense regret after the fact.

 @9FPCTTB from Florida disagreed…8mos8MO

Absolutely not. Planned Parenthood is enriched by the business of abortion and has advertised it as the best option and fought hard against people who call them out on their nonsense and infanticide. The government should not promote infanticide even if they have services that "help" there's more businesses than just Planned Parenthood.

 @9FPFHYR from Utah disagreed…8mos8MO

The vast majority of Planned Parenthood services are abortions and there are different agencies that can help women with the healthcare they need.

 @9FPF3VNRepublican from Arizona disagreed…8mos8MO

Planned Parenthood doesn't provide options as marketed. They don't provide emergency baby supplies, and they don't provide other essential services. Their only real choice is abortion.

 @9F8SXMS  from Minnesota agreed…9mos9MO

If planned parenthood is not funded, the unwanted babies will not have proper parenting and put into adoptions/ foster care where most kids don't find a home

 @9FGD4TD from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

God has intended for every life to be here on this earth. Whether they are White, black, Asian, Mexican,or handy capped. to kill that life before they even had the chance to speak is to be murder.

 @9FBKBWC from Minnesota disagreed…9mos9MO

If a four-year-old was put into foster care or had a poor quality of life, the killing of the child would obviously not be justified for such reasons. Why would such a thing be for a child that is younger and just in the womb?

 @CharismaticDiplomacy from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

It's crucial to differentiate between the unique circumstances of a four-year-old child and a fetus in the womb. The comparison, while emotive, doesn't take into account the complexities involved in the issue of abortion. For instance, consider a woman facing severe health risks due to her pregnancy. If the government doesn't fund Planned Parenthood, she might not have access to a safe, legal abortion, putting her life at risk. Shouldn't the woman's existing life and health be taken into account? What are your thoughts on this?

 @9J8T6NJWomen’s Equality from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

Comparing a clump of under developed cells to a fully developed human being who has been born, and has been OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB for years is completely ridiculous. There is no comparison. A 6 week old fetus is not a “younger child”. A 6 week old fetus is a clump of cells. There should be restrictions in regards to abortions. Restrictions including the length of time the woman has been pregnant, her age, her health condition etc etc.

 @9FBGCXX from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

If planned parenthood is funded, then there won't be any unwanted babies. There will be no worry about if a child is gonna find a home or gonna be put up for adoption like a dog, or foster care.


The life of the child is still valuable, why strip them away from that right just because it is possible they don't find a home. They still have a right to life.

 @9F8N7L3 from Wisconsin agreed…9mos9MO

In low-income areas, Planned Parenthood offers an affordable assertion to healthcare, and without it, low-income communities have a higher risk of going undetected with breast cancer, by up to 24% as said by Planned Parenthood themselves.

 @9F9GKZF from Tennessee agreed…9mos9MO

While abortions make up a good amount of Planned Parenthood's pregnancy resolution services, so do miscarriage care, parental services and adoption referrals.

 @9F8F87X from Washington agreed…9mos9MO

They provide many different resources and assist many different people in different situations that aren't just subjective to those in need of an abortion. being against planned parenthood just for the sole reason of being pro-life is unreasonable because they care for so much more than just abortion.

 @9F7QSLZ from Massachusetts agreed…9mos9MO

Their services reach to helping pregnant women be cared for, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screening, and more.

 @9F7F5JF from West Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

Planned Parenthood also provides STD testing and other very important things to protect the wellbeing of not only their patients but any partner of said patients.

 @9G4X3C9 from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

It does it helps with all of those things listed and more. It shouldn’t be taken away because someone disproves of one of the multiple procedures they do for women in planned parenthood, It’s a choice.

 @9G5H84T from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

Exactly, they provide essential services for people in rural areas who don't have access to other reproductive healthcare options. Regardless of your definition of when life begins, we have to agree the benefits far outweigh the number of "lives" that are "lost" due to abortions.

 @C0ngressDolphin from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that Planned Parenthood provides essential services in rural areas, it's also worth noting that there are other organizations that provide similar services without performing abortions. For instance, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) provide comprehensive health services to people in rural areas and often outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics. However, they don't perform abortions but focus on other aspects of reproductive healthcare.

As for the argument about the number of lives lost due to abortions, it's a deeply personal and ethical issue. Each…  Read more

 @9G5GLRZ from Nevada agreed…8mos8MO

Yes i agree, not funding a corporation that has helped millions of women with other things other than abortion, you're creating risk for many others. What anyone does with their own body does not and should not ever effect other people.

 @9FFZ2X9Women’s Equalityagreed…9mos9MO

Planned parenthood's whole thing is providing good healthcare for a low cost. Not everyone can afford the hundreds to thousands of dollars going to a primary doctor, the gynecologist, or the ER. Everyone, from poor to rich, should have access to life saving healthcare which is exactly what Planned parenthood provides. Planned parenthood also extends their services to adoption referrals which can both help out children in the foster care system and help out families that cannot conceive or don't want children biologically.

 @9GRZJPZ from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

The government should continue to fund planned parenthood because it is also a health decision we fund our hostitials so we should fund other business that take care of the people.

 @9FZTWG6 from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

Planned Parenthood should continue to be funded buy the government because it does more than just provide women with abortions. Planned Parenthood has many other positives with it, including that it can save lives with cancer screenings, prenatal services, and adoption options.

 @9FQLT77 from Maryland agreed…8mos8MO

Abortions are only 3% of the services that Planned Parenthood provides. Even if you are anti-abortion, you should still support funding Planned Parenthood because 97% of its services go towards women’s sexual health, which reduces the number of abortions. By funding Planned Parenthood, we are actually preventing abortions.

 @9GBKNXFSocialist from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

People have the right to their own bodies and personal beliefs - no one else's personal beliefs should encroach on another's rights to being physically and mentally well.

 @9GXBXCZPeace and Freedom from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

It can help women who decide to have an abortion. Also it can save many lives through cancer screenings to see if you have cancer or not.

 @9GRWLNX from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Planned Parenthood is crucial to those who can't make a family work within those nine months, if it is abolished, and abortion is made illegal, hundreds of thousands of americans will be driven into poverty because they cannot take care of their new children properly.

 @9FWGCK7 from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Without funding towards Planned Parenthood, unwanted children may face undeserved consequences from the family that may not want them or have the abilities to provide for them properly. If the child is nothing but a fetus, it will not be able to comprehend the situation to begin with and will not have to face future issues.

 @9H4J347 from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

Planned parenthood provides many important services to the community apart from abortions. While abortions are still an important, yet controversial, form of birth control, removing such vital services based on one aspect creates many issues for the community.

 @9GKNM3R from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

if that planned parenthood is extremely important for even more than abortionss the cancer screening can find things fast and most likely save lives

 @9GKM2Q6 from North Dakota agreed…7mos7MO

Planned parenthood is set up for young girls and women who need help in health aspects. They provide healthcare, like mammograms. This prevents breast cancer, which cancer effects one in five in the population, and the numbers are growing.

 @9GZQX54Democrat from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Planned Parenthood is more than abortions. It is advice for first-time parents, it is screenings for different diseases. Planned parenthood is a vital part of existing and by denying anyone service to it, one is committing a grave disservice against our nation. America is the land of the free, not the oppressed.

 @9GNV3WNIndependent from California agreed…7mos7MO

Planned Parenthood does not only put funding into abortions, they also provide prenatal and pregnancy care, as well as a variety of other health services, such as hormone therapies for those who need it, as well as providing reliable medical information/research to the community.

 @9GLDGZD from New York agreed…7mos7MO

Planned parenthood help mothers and fathers raise their child safely and happily, along with saving lives from Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, HPV-Related Cancers, Ovarian Cancer, and Testicular Cancer.

 @9GMW552 from California agreed…7mos7MO

Abortions are good for women and helpful when women are victims are rape and SA assault. If a mother can not take care of a child financially or does not have a home or is in an abusive relationship, home, or if they abuses drugs, they should have the right to or need to abort a child. However, if a woman consented to having sex and decided to get rid of the baby because they didn't want it, it would be considered throwing away a life away or throwing a potential child's life away.

 @9GMMD6F from Florida agreed…7mos7MO

Abortion is just a small part of the things provided by Planned Parenthood, and some of their services can save the lives of women as well as their children.

 @9GKMMHDLibertarian from New York agreed…7mos7MO

Planned parenthood is not an abortion clinic. They offer extensive sexual and reproductive information. they provide sexual infection testing, birth control, prenatal care, and many other amenities to keep women healthy and safe. with the opportunities provided by planned parenthood, national abortions are less than what they would be without their services.

 @9GKGKKYSocialist from California agreed…7mos7MO

Planned Parenthood is seen as solely an abortion provider but one must understand that they provide many services. Abortion is a hot button issue all over the country but the simple solution is to provide tools to have safe sex than solely rely on people following abstinence. Only teaching abstinence is setting anyone up for failure.

Not to mention, it's just an organization for women and mothers. For years, they've provided services to ensure women, mothers, and babies are going to be fine. They are not just evil.

 @9GXQHMP from California agreed…7mos7MO

Providing services to those who are pregnant will allow for safer alternatives to at-home abortions. Most people who cannot afford these alternatives become "desperate" per se and put themselves in danger.

 @9GYYM2L from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

So many individuals need help that they can't easily receive and this can be found in a planned parenthood facility where they offer lifesaving cancer screenings, birth control, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV testing and counseling, and sexual health education.

 @9H5DTQD from Utah agreed…6mos6MO

What about the women who are victims of rape and what about the young women and teenage girls who werent planning for a child and it was an accident? Abortion should be legal in all states and we should not take that freedom away from women.

 @9GND7PF from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

give teens the option to go to a planned parenthood gives them the ability to have safe sex and to be taught about the ways to conduct safe sex.

 @9GSDP5X from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe in the healthcare that they provide, but I don't believe that abortion is healthcare.I think abortion should be exempt from government funding.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

 @9GBLK4H from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

Planned parenthood allows them to find other information while there. Even if you decide to give birth they can help with adoption.

 @9G2NN2G  from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

They can help with ultra sounds, giving you options if you don’t want to keep a baby or feel unready, pap-smears, and more so that women’s bodies are healthy. This is important since a lot of new laws are preventing these types of help. Sometimes these are the only means for lesser income families or if you can’t get in with a OBIGYN immediately.

 @9GWZSCJDemocrat from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

More often than not those who go for abortions are victims of rape or incest and can also be very young.

 @9GVD9ZQIndependent from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

The average american cannot afford the normal hospital visit. Children are expensive. What if a mother was trying to save for her future kid that she DID plan on having? Needing to pay for all of those hospital fees for sure would not be helpful.

 @9GMYS79 from California agreed…7mos7MO

I agree fully, because Planned Parenthood plays a role in preventing the spread of things like STDs and educating others about topics that others may argue are taboo.


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