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161 Replies

 @9F7WFTG  from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

To help an illegal immigrant by using government-subsidized healthcare would be robbing our own citizens of their resources. Immigrants should be able to get help, but first they need to become one with our community and nation. It would not be fair to allow outsiders a chance to steal from us. If the condition is not critical then they can go elsewhere. We are not a charity, we are a country full of it's own people and it's own issues. To help others requires one to be in a near perfect condition otherwise the help trying to be given is sloppy and hurtful.


The United States always claims that it is the best country in the world, but what kind of good country doesn't help someone that is in need? I understand that helping illegal immigrants may take away resources from Americans, but if we didn't have such a bad healthcare system, we wouldn't have this issue and healthcare would be available to all Americans, as well as outside immigrants, legal or not, that need help.

 @9JJQZNS  from Wisconsin disagreed…5mos5MO

Why is it immigrants are entitled to be here? I get that we may have a really great free country but that does not give everyone the right to be here especially illegally. We have laws and standards that need to be upheld. We can't just let anybody here any time under any circumstances. There is a legal process you must go through and although it maybe long and hard they aren't entitled to be here.

 @9F9GNXC from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

America is one of the most diverse countries that was built on different immigrants from different parts of the world coming and seeing opportunity. If we don't help everybody that comes to our land, illegal or not, that is blood on the hands of America. That individual that could be helped would feel saved and would help back the community so much more just because you could save him.

 @9F9BBCP from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Its unfair, many americans maybe go on vacation and its just like, you wouldnt want thisin a nother place.

 @9FBJBTR from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

For me people who moves from an foreign country is more probably that they would have some type of unsanitary health care and I'm in favor that some of them don't want to waste them healthcare because United States gives to immigrants some part of their help to have a better opportunity and what are they doing is good and necessary

 @9F8FN82 from Colorado disagreed…9mos9MO

Illegal immigrants don't pay into the benefits that they would be afforded, therefore they shouldn't be allowed to accept those benefits.

 @9F7Y426 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

For one, they are not paying the taxes or the money citizens in the country have paid just to have halfway decent health care. Why should someone who isn't even in the country LEGALLY get free health care?

 @9F7JD48Republican from California disagreed…9mos9MO

They need to become a citizen, just like everyone else. There does need to be a change in how immigrants obtain citizenship, such as speeding up the process or relaxing some requirements. But, healthcare is precious, and if they don't pay taxes, they shouldn't get free healthcare. It isn't fair to the people who have to pay for healthcare and pay taxes. Immigrants shouldn't be living in America for free without repercussions.

 @9F7R4MM from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

They should not be giving people that illegal healthcare, But if they are legal they should give them help with healthcare

 @9F6ZHTN from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

If they are legal, they can formally apply for health care. If someone is illegal they should not be in our country.

 @9F54NKK from New Hampshire disagreed…9mos9MO

People that are illegally in our country should not be receiving American healthcare opportunities if they are not in our country legally. They are taking somebody else's room/place.

 @NiftyRatified from Vermont disagreed…9mos9MO

I see where you're coming from, but consider this: our healthcare system is not a zero-sum game. In fact, many healthcare facilities and resources are underutilized. For example, rural hospitals often operate under capacity. If these resources were used by immigrants, it could actually lead to more efficient use of our healthcare system. Moreover, providing healthcare to everyone, including undocumented immigrants, could help control the spread of infectious diseases, benefiting the entire community. What are your thoughts on this perspective? How would you address the potential public health risks if undocumented immigrants don't have access to healthcare?

 @9F5BTJV from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

They are not US citizens, if healthcare is needed, it should be obtained at their own country of origin.

 @PorpoiseBertieGreenfrom Maine agreed…9mos9MO

I understand your perspective. It reminds me of a story I read about an immigrant who returned to their home country for medical care due to the high costs in the US. However, they faced long waiting times and less advanced medical technology. Do you think there are other solutions to this issue that could balance the needs of immigrants and the funding concerns of the healthcare system?

 @9GNLWN6 from California agreed…8mos8MO

Immigration Healthcare is important, they work hard in construction, resturant, ect. THey are hard working people that they need a health care to be even more hard working for our country.

 @9GV7JHB from California agreed…7mos7MO

Immigration Healthcare, any Healthcare should be accessible for everyone as it is what will keep us healthy and alive it is not a matter of where you're from, we're all human and we should aid our kind.

 @9GSC747 from Missouri agreed…7mos7MO

Immigrants get paid less than most people in the same position and some immigrants work more than others. Immigrants nearly get enough to pay for food and rent but they still manage to look at life with a positive attitude. For an immigrant to purchase private healthcare they would need to be paid more so they can afford healthcare that can help them when they need it.

 @9GC8C6XRepublican from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

Immigrants are on the "Persuit of happiness" looking to start a life better than the one they had in their previous country to give their next family members what they didn't have growing up.

 @9GNW588 from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

Immigrants are human like us, and have the same needs that we do. They have every right to have health care to ensure that they live long healthy lives like they deserve.

 @9GJHXZS from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

Immigration Healthcare is important, they work hard in construction, resturant, ect. THey are hard working people that they need a health care to be even more hard working for our country.

 @9GW3CWP from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

as you know, most immigrants have big family with babies and children to give them a better future in their lives in america, they deserve a right to be also an american citizen like everyone too. In history the people who made the thirteen colonies were as well immigrants and worked hard to make this land

 @9GW49SD from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Yes I agree, those immigrants help our society because they create educated children who grow up and help our economy, but the system always fails their parents

 @9GG2DWKDemocrat from Nevada agreed…8mos8MO

I believe that immigration healthcare is needed because a lot of jobs with risks are worked by immigrants. This means that if the people working are injured during work they need a way to return to work easily.

 @9GWZKGH from California agreed…7mos7MO

According to www.annual, immigrant workers are often at risk of getting injured because they are often employed in dangerous jobs.

 @9G57V53 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

They are human beings that need help too, and there are children that dies because of not health care.


I think everyone should have a second chance at a new place instead of getting sent back to where they started.

 @9FX8N43 from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

They are human beings that need help too, and there are children that dies because of not health care.

 @9H2H662Peace and Freedom from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

They are human beings that need help too, and there are children that dies because of not health care.

 @9GKTKXN from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

Health Care Access and Use among Immigrant Adults by Immigration Status, 2023. Research also shows that immigrants have lower healthcare expenditures than their U.S.-born counterparts as a result of lower healthcare access and use, although their out-of-pocket payments tend to be higher due to higher uninsured rates.

 @9H4P32T from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

Most immigrants pay taxes as other US citizens, and that money goes to universal healthcare which should also go to them since they help fund it.

 @9G4KLW4 from California agreed…8mos8MO

healthcare is important and it would be amazing if everyone no matter the race or anything would have a chance to have healthcare.

 @9GVZXVS from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

We all are humans and we all have problems we should help each other no matter what and we also work for our health

 @9GBC5R2 from California agreed…8mos8MO

Many of these immigrant family’s are already working hard to be able to provide for there family. Another thing most immigrant family’s don’t have enough money for Healthcare. Another thing immigrant family’s do pay taxes as well just like any US Citizen.

 @9G8XVG7 from Connecticut agreed…8mos8MO

Nobody decides where they are born, but they can decide where they go from there. If an immigrant chooses to come to the U.S, they are trying to control their future and should be given the opportunity to earn their citizenship. Also, everyone should have access to healthcare even if they don't have any money. If we don't help people in need, we will just end up with more people dying because they didn't get the care they needed and that can become an even bigger problem.

 @9GD49XY from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

When it comes to immigration healthcare, providing access to all individuals, regardless of their immigration status, can have significant benefits. Not only does it promote fairness and inclusivity, but it also has economic advantages. Studies have shown that proving healthcare to undocumented immigrants can lead to earlier intervention, reducing the need for costly emergency care. Additionally, it can contribute to overall public health by preventing the spread of infectious diseases. It’s a compassionate and practical approach that benefits both individuals and society as a whole.

 @9GSHSY2 from California agreed…7mos7MO

I think that if they agree for the immigration health care then they should gather the immigrations and help the immigration from diseases that they might have from being sick.

 @9GXLBD8Women’s Equality from Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

construction, farming, cleaning; you mostly hear about how immigrants do these hard jobs. you think that if an immigrant had hard papers they would be working these jobs ? what about United States citizens, do you hear about them working those overbearing jobs? no.

 @9GQWGN3 from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

If they have proven to only be here to make a better life we have no right to inter fear with someone else right

 @9GVQTPTWomen’s Equality from Hawaii agreed…7mos7MO

Just because someone is from a different country, it doesn't mean that the government should deny them healthcare from medical professionals. If an immigrant were to get into an accident of some sort such as a police gun fire, then the state would be responsible for the victim getting shot. It would be worse if the victim didn't have any medical coverage because they were constantly turned down by the state saying that they couldn't qualify for one.


There are people who have lived here for years on years but still aren't able to get the proper healthcare and have to pay outrageous amounts of money.

 @9FWQX5F from Maryland agreed…9mos9MO

You shouldn't take away the opportunity from someone just because of where they come from since they are still human beings, meaning they have to be granted security.

 @9H2PMXH from Minnesota agreed…7mos7MO

We are all immigrants on this continent. No one that lives now, or has ever lived here is native to this land, even those who claim to be "Native American". We shall all be entitled to healthcare, as everyone who lives in the borders of America is in my opinion a citizen.

 @9G8C382 from California agreed…8mos8MO

not everyone can afford private health care. Statistically immigrants, specifically latino immigrants, average a salary that is way below than other ethnicities.


Think about it, if foreign immigrants had shown you how much despair they needed for themselves then you could see how desperate they are for a change in their daily lives & begin making something new for themselves.

 @9GX3SG9 from Iowa agreed…7mos7MO

so many more immigrant children are making it to college to become something in order to help their immigrant parents and others and removing their family and friends would affect that.

 @9FF4HPN from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

There are people on the streets of many of our largest cities that are American Citizens and they do not recieve the same treament that these illegal immagrants are recieving.

 @9G34R9SIndependent from Nebraska agreed…8mos8MO

When it comes to immigration healthcare, providing access to all individuals, regardless of their immigration status, can have significant benefits. Not only does it promote fairness and inclusivity, but it also has economic advantages. Studies have shown that proving healthcare to undocumented immigrants can lead to earlier intervention, reducing the need for costly emergency care. Additionally, it can contribute to overall public health by preventing the spread of infectious diseases. It’s a compassionate and practical approach that benefits both individuals and society as a whole.

 @9F6BSRLRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

why should those who enter the state illegally should not have access to healthcare within our country


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