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19 Replies

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana commented…4wks4W

"scientific research" my *** If nuclear war happens you all owe me five bucks

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…4wks4W

One sure way to provoke nuclear war with Russia is to keep printing hundreds of billions of stolen dollars to send to Dictator Zelensky and prolong an un-winnable conflict seven thousand miles from our shores.

 @SadOppositionPatriot from Illinois commented…4wks4W

Russian "culture" at its "best".

Russians are very creative when it comes to create ways to kill , to maim, to destroy people and things. (Did you know during the Cold War one Russian engineer tried to come up with a sonic boom aircraft that would fly at Mach 2+ speed but create giant sonic boom underneath that would pierce lungs, brains etc... of soldiers under its path? A Concorde of death. What stopped him from realizing that macabre vision was the invention of Stinger and Patriot)

American engineers invent things to improve life.

Russian engineers invent things to destroy…  Read more

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…4wks4W

 @SugaryFederalistForward from Florida commented…4wks4W

Just another reminder that Russia is an enemy of the United States and Free World and must be countered and contained everywhere.

We keep getting these wake up calls, but few still seem to be listening or taking the escalating aggression and threat from Moscow as seriously as needed.

 @TruthfulInd3p3ndentRepublican from Ohio commented…4wks4W

Maybe so. But China is the country that genetically modified a virus that went on to kill 8 million people, including 2 million Americans.

 @JollyPollsterTranshumanist from Arizona commented…4wks4W

I for one am not worried about them.

The US has so much hardware and other things we don’t know about, we had to create another branch of the military for it.

Space Force…..

I seriously doubt we are behind.

 @FederalistCodPeace and Freedomfrom Virgin Islands commented…4wks4W

After the 1st Nuke is fired…. You cannot just stop at one.

A nuke fired in space will emit enough of an EMP pulse that will take much of the electronics that are visible to it both in space and on the ground.

Sure will put an end to text and drive problems.

 @KindZealousConstitution from Minnesota commented…4wks4W

I don't know why we sign treaties like that. It's like everyone agreeing to give up guns on the assumption that the criminals will do the same. Countries like China and Russia use these treaties to tie our hands but even if they sign such treaties, they ignore them when it's advantageous to do so. I suppose it lets politicians claim something like "peace in our time". But signing treaties that limit military capabilities with countries that are expansionist and predatory is foolish.

 @OffendedD3legatePeace and Freedomfrom Michigan commented…4wks4W

Another Biden screw up. Admitting he has failed to address the issue during his Presidency. is not an excuse.

 @AlertF3deralistPatriotfrom New Hampshire commented…4wks4W

1) Not surprised. 2) Yes its a threat to satellites. Its more of a threat for producing an EMP over a huge swath of the country.

 @BadgerJayRepublican from New York commented…4wks4W

So this was launched two years ago and we are just now figuring it out. The level of incompetence is staggering.


What would your immediate reaction be if you learned that the peaceful exploration of space was being used to test military weapons?


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