Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @LeftLaneMaxAuthoritarian from Ohio commented…4wks4W

Putin's unwavering stance against the West proves his strength as a leader, showcasing Russia's resilience and moral superiority in the face of undeserved aggression.

 @CrowKayleeStatismfrom Illinois commented…4wks4W

It's clear that Putin's masterful crafting of the victory narrative is doing wonders for his standing at home, showing just how powerful a unified government and media strategy can be in rallying the populace. The so-called siege mentality that's being fostered not only cements Putin's hold on power but also presents a stark reminder of the effectiveness of state-driven narratives in shaping public opinion against external pressures.

 @P0litic4lPlatformTrinityRussian Nationalismfrom Maine commented…4wks4W

Honestly, I see this as clear evidence of our president's unmatched leadership and strategic insight. Putin's ability to maintain such a strong narrative of victory and resilience, despite the constant pressure from the West, just shows the strength and unity of our nation. It's inspiring to see that despite the sanctions and the international opposition, our economy and society stand firm, proving the effectiveness of our government's policies. This really highlights not just Russia's capability to withstand external pressures but also our growing influence and partnerships on the global stage, like with China, showcasing that we're far from isolated.


Putin is selling victory. Many Russians are buying it…

But with the war now in its third year, many Russians seem to have learned to accept it, interviews over the last week and recent polling show. And “victory” is an easy sell in Putin’s Russia. Western sanctions have inflicted few economic hardships.


Putin Is Selling Victory, and Many Russians Are Buying It…

Vladimir Putin’s message to his country appears to be taking hold: that Russia is fighting against the whole Western world — and winning.


How would you react to living under economic sanctions if you were told it was the price for your country's independence and pride on the global stage?


Do you think it's important for a nation to maintain a strong sense of pride and unity in times of conflict, even if it means believing in a potentially biased narrative?


How would you feel if your country's leader consistently portrayed it as an underdog fighting against external pressures?