Try the political quiz

9 Replies


There shouldn't be a line. Freedom of speech is what it is. Now when people act on these hate words through action then it should be dealt with.

This one question stirs so many people up. You can't punish someone for beliefs or creed. It will trickle down to a who said she said match at the end of everything.

Actions speak louder then words cause they can cause physical harm. This is a questions that intice to cause division among Americans to keep us off the bigger problems America is facing today. It effects less then 1% of Americans. Yet it is an everyday issue on are media outlets cause it attracts attention. Let's attack housing cost and Rent. Unregulate the market so we can create more condo and townhouses. Prevent big corporations from buying swath of real estate all because a few years ago interest rates won't ever be that low again.

 @9JB6N5ZRepublican from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

If it gets violent and people get hurt that is where they should draw the line. I think law enforcement should draw them.


because if it gets violent then that's stretching your rights too far its only freedom of speech not freedom of violent.

 @9JB6RVP  from Washington answered…5mos5MO

The freedom of speech is a right everyone has and lines should not be drawn.

 @9JB6LK7 from New York answered…5mos5MO

If the speech leads to danger or harm of the people of this country DIRECTLY, then yes there should be consequences, lawsuits, and a restriction of freedom of speech. Also, in private businesses where it is a private estate, there should be limits considering the constitution and these amendments is more about the federal government's powers and restrictions, rather than the people's restrictions. Also, if it's a private estate, then the people who violate the terms and services of the PRIVATE estate should face allegations and potential lawsuits for their actions.

 @9JB6WMRPeace and Freedom from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

When freedom of speech can turn into hurting others, mainly at a physical level.

 @9JB6VZ2 from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

If the speech is directed at genocide of certain groups of people. That's when the line needs to be drawn. Anything less than that is simply "freedom of speech" and we should honor that.

 @9JB6SCK from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

i feel that the people and the law should know when that line has been drawn.

 @9JB6QRQ  from Washington answered…5mos5MO

There should be lines drawn at verbal harassment, abuse, and other verbal assaults.


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