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Should people under the age of 18 years old be able to receive gender-transition treatments?


 @9GK28G3CA Common Sense from Maine agreed…8mos8MO

Top Agreement

The...LGBTQ(a lot of plusses apparently) litreally all suffer from gender dysphoria. That is a mental disorder. Why promote an disorder?


Actually, they do not. The LGB group and the TQ+ are actually having a major schism right now. The concept of LGB relies entirely on a gender binary existing. That is, what is "gay" if any of the two biological sexes are both considered men? The erasure is unintentional, certainly, but the two groups don't really have much to do with each other. And honestly, yes, the pluses are out of hand at this point. The disorder is promoted because the population is loud, and will try to silence dissenters. Like Jordan B. Peterson. I don't think they're wrong on some things, and…  Read more