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Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?


 @9FDCDTZ from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

I am a Christian am firmly believe that God intentionally designed the family dynamic to establish different, yet cohesive roles for both the mother and a father. I do not feel as if an LGBT couple can properly fit into the roles that are established by a man and woman within marriage, thus taking away critical parental elements from the child.

 @VicunaArianaGreenfrom Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand your perspective and respect your religious beliefs. However, it's important to broaden the perspective to include the realities of many children who are in need of a loving and caring home. Research has shown that children raised in same-sex households fare just as well as those raised in heterosexual households in terms of their psychological, social and emotional well-being. For example, a study by the American Psychological Association found no significant differences between children raised by lesbian mothers and those raised by heterosexual parents. So, it might be arg…  Read more

 @9L5YLGN from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Id like to quote you from 6 days ago to see if your views on yapping are. "Unless you count the fact that White, Christian Britain was the First Nation in thousands of years of human existence since Creation to not only question human slavery but to take meaningful action against it, abolishing the Slave Trade throughout the entire Empire in 1807 and banning all slavery, period in 1833 throughout its Empire. It then went through Africa in its colonising expeditions liberating more humane tribes from the savagery of cannibals and slave-driving tribes who oppressed them, hunting down and…  Read more