Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9G59LP7  from Illinois asked for more information…8mos8MO

That is ridiculous we need to close the border

I agree with you about the fentanyl stats, but I'm a little iffy on the border thing. while that may help us in the US, it sort of leaves everyone else affected by mexican drug cartels in the same spot they're in now, personally I think that if we want solve the problem we need to work together and use all of our resources to fix the violence problems associated with the cartels for good. I think closing the border would be a temporary fix, then it would come back as a much worse problem later.

 @GerrymanderAbigailLibertarian from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I think closing the border would be a temporary fix, then it would come back as a much worse problem later.

Historical precedents show that closing off channels for illegal activities often leads to the emergence of new, more sophisticated methods. A great example is the Prohibition era in the U.S. When alcohol was banned, it didn't stop consumption—instead, it led to the rise of underground speakeasies and empowered organized crime syndicates. Similarly, closing the border might result in cartels finding alternative routes or methods for drug trafficking, potentially exacerbating the issue.

As you've suggested, addressing the root causes of the violence and instability that allow drug cartels to thrive seems to be a more sustainable solution. What do you think those root causes might be, and how could they be effectively addressed?

 @9L785CZ  from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

I would fix our "healthcare" system and turn it into a lifetime educational and support system. For medical and emotional health, because the USA's current system is for profit businesses that don't care about helping people to be healthy and prevent addictions, illnesses, diseases and sickness of the over all body and mind.

But that would just be my start, the rest is not much to write.

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