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32 Replies

 @9FCLG9RRepublican from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Critical Race Theory in itself, is racist. Teaching history is essential, but teach it the way it actually happened and do not insert any racial agenda. Things happened the way they did and that's all there is to it. This country will never get over racism and slavery because we seen to have a terrible problem with letting it go. Let it go.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

First thing’s first, it’s a college level class so it’s not being taught in K-12 schools in the first place. Second, it’s stated to be a theory, a theory that the institutions in society still hold a racial bias, especially the justice system. I’ve found that to be true in the lives of so many people, and it’s not something that liberals are “holding onto”, it’s something society still prevalent in so many ways. That’s the problem right now, the activism is there, but it’s doing little to nothing all while the actual deep rooted problems are left untouched.

 @SpiritedJellyfishSocial Justice from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

Manhattan Institute surveyed 1,500 Americans aged 18 to 20 on topics related to CRT and gender ideology.

Ninety-three percent of respondents said that they had heard about at least one of eight CSJ concepts from a teacher or other adult at school, including “white privilege,” “systemic racism,” “patriarchy,” or the idea that gender is a choice unrelated to biological sex. Additionally, 90% of respondents had heard about at least one CRT concept and 74% about at least one radical gender concept.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

And the manner in which these things are stated is often extremely subjective, and often out of context. It’s also not an official school curriculum in the slightest for the vast majority of schools.

 @9JWKMCJ from California disagreed…4mos4MO

 @9F99KWBRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Racism is taught and is not a trait that is in every generation. If racism was not talked about it would die down.

 @76KRRQ3  from New York commented…2wks2W

"If racism was not talked about it would die down."

It's incredibly sad that with all the knowledge we have in 2024, people are still trapped in their bubbles enough to actually believe this

 @9F9NDDHDemocrat from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Presenting the Critical Theory to students in K-12 may raise a higher level of misunderstanding. It can be agreed that racism and discrimination are wrong but neither is racially motivated propaganda. There is much more to life than just the color of our skin. Instead, students should be taught a set of morals rather than just focusing on one aspect.

 @76KRRQ3  from New York commented…2wks2W

"racially motivated propaganda"

As in? What would realistically be included in a curriculum of CRT, that most people would agree was also propaganda?

"There is much more to life than just the color of our skin."

POCs want others to believe that to be true more than anyone. The fact that non-POC actions (or inaction) often don't line up with that ideology, is the reason we're all having this conversation in the first place. Or would you rather believe the majority of POC...idk, "want" to be systemically oppressed lol?

 @9F9GBMF from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

Critical race theory is driving a wedge between us. We’re teaching young children who siding even understand racism, racism.

 @76KRRQ3  from New York commented…2wks2W

True. Couldn't be the systemic oppression, surely not. It's the acknowledgment of it that's the problem lol. /s

Tf is wrong with you people?

 @9FF2D7TRepublican from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Its awful to implant the idea in a young persons head that if they are white they are evil and racist no matter what, and if you are a person of color you will never amount to anything because you are of color.

 @76KRRQ3 from New York disagreed…2wks2W

Not only is that not what CRT means, that spin on it certainly is not what would be taught in a grade school environment. I've seen the word "propaganda" 50 times in these comments, your interpretation of CRT is what propaganda actually looks like.

 @9FCDS2D from Utah disagreed…9mos9MO

That’s not history being taught, that is a personal agenda that twists history. If a teacher truly wants to teach history and help students learn from the mistakes of the past it is true history, the simple facts that needs to be taught. Both sides of the story need to get taught.

 @76KRRQ3  from New York disagreed…2wks2W

Go through this and tell me which part exactly is a personal agenda that twists history. I'll wait.

Slavery and Segregation:Transatlantic Slave Trade: For centuries, millions of Africans were forcibly brought to America as slaves. This wasn't just a moral failing, but it built the economic foundation of the country, leaving a legacy of inequality that affects us even today.Jim Crow Laws: These laws enforced racial segregation in the South until the 1960s, creating systemic barriers that made it difficult for Black people to access the same opportunities as others.Redlining and Housin…  Read more

 @9F9LQVK from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

The critical race theory widely effects our society because it misuses the knowledge of our past to reconstruct details that are not to the highest degree, accurate.

 @9F9L4WD from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

While this is true, our students need to focus on the topics that can lead them to success and spend more time on these subjects than of those stating past mistakes and prejudices.

 @9F9KGR2 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

We should still talk about our past mistakes but that shouldn’t effect and resurface issues that have already been put to rest.

 @9F9J2YN from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

There is a difference between learning from our mistakes and teaching children that they should feel guilty for acts very few of their Ancestors partook in.

 @9F9H3Y8Republican from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

we can learn the basics but it seems like people are pushing their beliefs of younger kids too much or they start teaching things like this too early and make a lasting impression on the younger kids

 @9F97N9S from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

They should tech it maybe during highschool, but anything younger it could be really east to put propaganda into children's minds about race.

 @9F9RFSGRepublican from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Children of this age do not understand what racism is. They are far too young at least in grades 3-5 and if this issue were to be introduced it would be as an educational standpoint rather than a biased one, since it is extremely prevalent in our culture. Ultimately, unless the child is taught to have a stand on this issue, the child will have no opinion until it is introduced to the realities of society.

 @9F9PZ5VRepublican from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

It shouldn't be taught in schools as it just teaches white children that they're inherently evil and it teaches young minorities to hate other cultures rather than encouraging peace. There are people who aren't affected by it but their cultures aren't centered around race. This problem is only going to get worse if we implement race-related classes in schools.

 @9F9NLJP from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not important for kindergarteners to learn something like that at such an impressionable age. I agree, it is important to talk about history. But opinions should not be mixed in with the history we teach our students. It may teach us about how to not repeat history but, it should be talked more about with adults and not small children.

 @9F9NG5F from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

Critical Race Theory will only increase the divide between races. Why can't we acknowledge the progress that's been made in America while also remembering the errors.

 @9F9L2JS from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

We don't need to put others down in the present just because other races didn't have the best treatment. People who are alive today don't get to get treated any better than the rest just because their ancestors were treated differently.

 @9F9GNVD from Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

Most people who support teaching this in schools, are going to brainwash children and teach them that America is racist.

 @9F9C7CH from Iowa disagreed…9mos9MO

differences in race should not be pointed out to young children because then they see each other as not the same. rather they should be taught they are all the same and the color of your skin doesn't mean anything.

 @9F8Z7YQ from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

History is already taught and should absolutely continue to include our shameful history of slavery. However CRT pushes a theological interpretation of American slavery and racism that negatively impacts our children. Our children should learn about the horrors of American slavery, however they should also learn that slavery has existed as long as society, and that there are still millions of enslaved peoples around the world. They should have access to the fact that slavery is NOT tied to race as a concept, even if the two occasionally (and in the American case) intersect.

 @9F9J7NRRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

If this was what was actually being taught in schools than absolutely teach our children our forefathers mistakes. However, that is not what is being taught kids are being taught all whites are bad so this topic should be taken out of the education system.

 @9F9D5KGLibertarian from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Critical Race Theory should not be taught in schools from K-12 because it will get children thinking that everything wrong that happens is racist, and they would learn to abuse that power

 @9F9JDSY from Tennessee disagreed…9mos9MO

CRT takes historical truth and realities that should be remembered, learned from, and taught and imposes an extraneous ideology into the curriculum. The most dangerous lies are the ones that are mostly true. CRT is built on truth but has sneaky lies.


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