Try the political quiz

53 Replies

  @jsimicConstitution from Texas agreed…2yrs2Y

Men and women are athletically different, down to the DNA.

 @9FDS8YX from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

There have been multiple studies showing that's not true. In addition, these policies only exist to discriminate against trans people

 @9LH5HWH from Connecticut commented…2mos2MO

Actually? I didn't know that. could you provide further information to verify?

 @9FFBFSL from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

All humans are genetically different, that is what makes us human. Everyone is capable in different ways. It's best to accept everyone fully and never discriminate.

 @9FF58H4 from New York agreed…9mos9MO

This is indisputably correct. Men and women are different on the genetic level, even if one is transgender.

 @9FF49RL  from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

Cross competing between genders will be unfair for athletes that have worked hard and are still not better than someone of the opposite gender.

 @9H548XJ from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

Aerobic capacity is related to testosterone levels in the body, had a transgender woman who was on hormone therapy for years attempted to compete against cisgender males, they'd have a considerable disadvantage in the competition, which is exactly what we're trying to avoid with this debate, an unfair advantage.

 @9MJ44H8 from California disagreed…4wks4W

Aerobic capacity is related to testosterone levels in the body, had a transgender woman who was on hormone therapy for years attempted to compete against cisgender males, they'd have a considerable disadvantage in the competition, which is exactly what we're trying to avoid with this debate, an unfair advantage.

 @9MZXC6L from Tennessee disagreed…2wks2W

How can I tell a person what their biological sex is? I should be only responsible for my and except others for whomever they are. This has little to do with the person but what the other persons believes in!

 @9MJJ9N5 from Missouri disagreed…4wks4W

Transgender athletes do not have the "advantage" over cisgender athletes that transphobes think they do.

 @9LW2Y46from Maine disagreed…2mos2MO

i do not understand why people find how others wish to identify a problem, to me this argument makes no sense

 @9LSJDJMDemocrat from Arizona disagreed…2mos2MO

This is an invasion of personal privacy and that means if just trans people have to provide this information than everyone has to as well which is an invasion of privacy.

 @9KF2TFT from Texas agreed…3mos3MO

just because you believe, that you should or should've had a different identity does not mean **** . Beliefs are different than reality.

 @9HQCDXC from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

I believe that transgender athletes should be able to compete in whatever bracket their gender aligns with AS LONG as they have been on hrt for long enough to cause a significant enough change to their body to fit the other contestants

 @9H27GF2 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

The world atheletic association, the one in charge of the OLYMPICS prohibit athletes who have gone through what WA called “male puberty” from participating in female world rankings competitions.

 @9L5TWYXfrom New Jersey agreed…3mos3MO

Several of the athletes that compete against trans athletes do not believe that it is fair, considering how their base physical structure may give them an unfair advantage.

 @9KJ2G36 from Illinois disagreed…3mos3MO

It should be based on hormone levels and the individual. Because when you dont then you have parents crying about trans men beating their daughters even though the trans men want to compete with men and were and were in fact winning against these men such as Mack Beggs who just won the Texas state girls title and now all the transphobes are crying cause they got exactly what they want. Mack wanted to compete with men, they wouldn't let him now look what happened. Its the same with the bathrooms they wanted all these regulations and now men are freaking out about seeing "feminine weirdos" in their bathroom and girls are literally having to use the bathroom with full on bearded men and are crying about it even though its in fact what they wanted.

 @9JLSTTNPeace and Freedom from Kansas disagreed…4mos4MO

If a trans athlete has taken or is on hormonal replacement treatments then that athlete should be allowed to compete where they see fit for themselves.

 @9JG47F3 from Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

When fully transitioned, hormonal levels of transgender athletes will be the same to cisgendered athletes; therefore they should fully be allowed in the same sporting events.

 @9J222LK from Arizona disagreed…5mos5MO

That is a very transphobic statement to make. The United States has come very far and the athletes are transitioning and going through something very difficult, they don't just receive benefits because of what their assigned gender at birth was.

 @9HSPLPYDemocrat from Florida disagreed…5mos5MO

if i read this correct, its saying transgender athletes should NOT compete with the opposite gender (their biological sex), then it is completely right. idk wtf else to add

 @9HKRV8B from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Much of the "genetics" involving gender identity is actually just hormonic. If two athletes have similar hormone levels, they should be allowed to compete.

 @9HCDKRYProgressive from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Due to gender affirming treatments, such as surgery or hormone replacement treatment (HRT), transgender athletes have no advantage of disadvantage against other competitors.

 @9FLFVSV from Virginia agreed…9mos9MO

I have heard stories from both female and male athletes that involve a transgender athlete competing in the others gender sports. It seems that neither of them agree with it. It provides an unfair advantage. A female and male combined category for sports is a great resolution to this ongoing conflict.

 @9H2HR9L from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

I know we can't change our real birth certificate, but if they feel more comfortable as a girl/boy/other, then that's fine too. If you didn't fell comfortable with something, wouldn't you want to change it too?

 @9FMZHJM from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

After a certain amount of time on HRT, the athlete's muscles will grow and shape the same way they would in the body of the 'opposite' sex, if they one day decided that they would compete with the opposite sex, they should be made to wait until HRT has a substantial effect on their body.

 @9GQYL88 from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Separating sports by gender or sex is inherently sexist, there are countless women who are "too masculine" for women's sports and it frequently targets Black women

 @9GBJV7D  from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Athletes should compete in games against fellow transgender athletes, not the sex they were assigned at birth...that is wrong.

 @9FSR5KC from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

All women naturally have different bodies/levels of testosterone so it seems odd to exclude certain women for that reason


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