Try the political quiz

280 Replies


How might exposure to world cuisines at school lunches broaden students' cultural awareness?

 @9KM2JN7  from Arkansas answered…3mos3MO

They'll become much more open to other things like where the food comes from, the culture, the language, and it'll give them the opportunity to learn and ask questions about places outside of the United States. It may cause them to learn something that the adults in their lives were never taught or hadn't taught the children themselves yet.

 @9KM43B2 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

A lot, but kids have allergies and some are very picky eaters so it could be difficult

 @9KLZ8PC from California answered…3mos3MO

It might show them that there isn't much diversity in food in other cultures if they only only witness and eat one type of food.

 @9KLYWH7 from Delaware answered…3mos3MO


When you organize a community event, how important is it to include activities that represent various groups?


It depends on what the event is though not every event can be expected to be representative of various groups.

 @9JJP8X9Socialist from New Jersey answered…4mos4MO

idk, but hopefully some parts of that would be integrated into our government


It is very important to include representation of various groups as it will foster a better relationship between the two groups

 @9JJNW67 from Texas answered…4mos4MO

It’s very helpful because it will let others speak and express their opinions and ideas


Why is it important for a community to support businesses owned by people from varied cultures?

 @9KK8QWG from Texas answered…3mos3MO

Supporting these businesses helps promote diversity in the economy which helps enrichen our culture

 @9KK7KLL from North Carolina answered…3mos3MO

Communities need to have diversity and know-how businesses are run from different ethnicity's and points of view in society. We need to do this so it will make trade and communication more smooth with foreign countries.

 @9KK6DQS from Nevada answered…3mos3MO


What personal growth have you experienced as a result of working on a project with people whose abilities differ from yours?

 @9JPCMV6 from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

As long as you get to know one another, things will get done efficiently. You have to make sure work is spread out equally so no one person gets the majority of the work.

 @9JPCL9Q from Washington answered…4mos4MO

its nice to work with people that work in different ways and the you can learn along the way how they work and how they can he helpful in the future

 @9JPBKC3 from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

I have grown by knowing I can help further peoples abilities or vice versa from them by learning from them


What personal experiences can you share where having a range of opinions led to a more fun or interesting activity?

 @9L668WJWomen’s Equality from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

 @9L66FSK from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

One personal experience that comes to mind is a group hiking trip I went on with friends. We were planning to hike a trail in a nearby national park. As we started discussing the route, each person had their own ideas about which trail to take and what landmarks to visit along the way.

One friend advocated for a longer, more challenging trail that would take us deep into the wilderness, promising breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment. Another friend preferred a shorter, more leisurely route that would allow us to relax and enjoy the scenery without exerting ourselves too much. Yet…  Read more

 @9L66GGT from Michigan answered…3mos3MO

When given a bunch of opinions it lets your creativity work and lets your brain problem-solve through the denial and the differing opinions. When I get to talk to people about my ideas I get very, very heated. I was talking to a friend who was saying he was excited to see TikTok finally get banned and that they should fund it more when there is a literal genocide happening in Israel and Gaza, and he agreed it was a big deal but he felt as if banning an app that has been through this same ringer more than 4 separate times was more important than trying to aid people dying for no good reason.…  Read more

 @9L669YD from South Carolina answered…3mos3MO

One personal experience where having a range of opinions led to a more fun activity was during a group hike. Some preferred a leisurely pace, enjoying the scenery, while others wanted a more challenging trail for excitement. Combining these perspectives made the hike both enjoyable and adventurous for everyone involved.


Could learning multiple languages in school help encourage pluralistic thinking?

 @9KCRTFR from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Yes because you're learning something new but it could also be useful in your future life if you plan on moving to a different country or state.

 @9KCMBHL from Texas answered…4mos4MO

It could given that learning the language also often coincides with learning a basic understanding of the culture of whatever language you are learning.

 @9KCM9GS from Virginia answered…4mos4MO

I would love to see a multilingual education system in the US. However, our schools are failing our children. So it is a big bridge to cross.


Imagine a society without diversity of thought; what do you think would be lost in such a scenario?

 @9JJQXGN from Texas answered…4mos4MO

 @9JJQX3H from Wisconsin answered…4mos4MO

we would lose Most of what the U.S. is known for like the melting pot theory of how everyone travels to live here and people from all around the world come here. We just lose that diversity and that's one great thing about this country

 @9JJQLFM from Wisconsin answered…4mos4MO

different ways to view something and there would just be everybody acting like robots


In what ways do you think technology and social media influence pluralism in society today?

 @9H83PC2 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Technology and social media influence pluralism by spreading news and people's opinions worldwide. Social media is a good way to connect people from around the world and share their thoughts.

 @9H82WR4 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

Affects it by giving the ability to people to post fake news, and fake media to influence people to do something that's not good.

 @9H82X46 from Arkansas answered…7mos7MO


Can you share a time when you felt your voice was heard in a group, and why is that important in a diverse society?

 @9HDJZ7R from West Virginia answered…6mos6MO

 @9HDJYQ6 from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

I was heard during group projects in school which allowed for a more diverse look on the topic which is what we need in a diverse society.

 @9HDJWMC from New Hampshire answered…6mos6MO

When we did a class vote for who wanted to go to recess first and who wanted to eat first ad I voted for eating first and eating first won.


Could discussing various viewpoints in your history or social studies class change the way you see current events?

 @9HZ4W5XWomen’s Equality from New York answered…5mos5MO

Yes, discussing various view points will often alter the way many people will look at certain situations.

 @9HZ4RLF from New York answered…5mos5MO

Yes because it leads students to be educated about political issues and know the proper use of voting.


Have you ever changed a strongly held belief due to the influence of a diverse group?

 @9HJJWL9 from Alaska answered…6mos6MO

Yes, one example is that as I've aged I've grown a lot more accepting of LGBTQ+ people via learning about more obscure topics and redefining my perception of gender and sexuality. I also tend to add caveats onto strongly held beliefs when they're presented to me and I agree that they're logical; one example is abortion-- while I do strongly believe that it's a medical necessity for people and the difficulty of getting abortions should be minimized, I also understand that they're traumatic, can have complications, and there's a valid philosophical conundrum tied to them, so policies should be created to prevent the NEED for abortions as well.

 @9HJJT5M from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Yes, they have given me information about a topic that isn’t immediately apparent


How do you feel when someone challenges your perspectives, and how can this shape a pluralistic society?

 @9HDC6XCDemocrat  from Indiana answered…6mos6MO

everyone has their own opinions on everything so I don't mind if someone disagrees with what I have to say we can agree to disagree.


How has a piece of advice from someone with a different background influenced your actions or beliefs?


Does having friends with different hobbies and interests challenge your own passions or enhance them?


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