Try the political quiz

52 Replies

 @9G3YFCYPeace and Freedom from California agreed…8mos8MO

If you give people a safe place to do drugs you are only increasing the issue with no chance at fixing it.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Literally every test and study done on this issue proves the exact opposite...

 @9G4TKWZ from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

I disagree with Safe Haven only because giving a drug addict drugs is NOT going to fix his drug problem.


The fact alone that doing drugs in certain areas is a crime itself, proves that abusing them is not much better. If they are doing it by choice, then they do need to be held accountable for their decision.

 @9FBG3VQ from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

If you just throw someone into the abyss of recovery, they will want more of what they had. You can either release them after a week and the fall of the horse again, or you can help them and only give them a small dosage so they can ease off of it.

 @9LTSVZ4 from New York disagreed…1mo1MO

People may try to abuse the location and become a heavier user due to the safety they have within the safe haven. If we were to have a safe haven it would need to have a rehab nearly or trained professionals that will help these users get the help they need.

 @9LPZR5VWomen’s Equality from Indiana disagreed…1mo1MO

I think there should be one because it will help get people off the street and I don't think that people can get help with out having a place to start at so having a safe heaven can be that place

 @9GSWR5N from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

people die if they try to quit a drug too quickly which would deprive that person of their life which is a liberty every citizen has

 @9GH64V6 from Tennessee agreed…7mos7MO

Illegal drugs are illegal for a reason. It is a proven fact someone on elicit drugs become more violent and that should not be promoted.

 @9G4WZM6 from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Well don't complain about the community/bad environments and speak on people getting help w addiction .

 @9H56RQPfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…6mos6MO

Safe haven ought to be offered along with increased drug rehabilitation programs. Failure to do so smacks of hypocrisy as people can't expect drug users to get better on their own (and throwing users in jail / prison is hardly benefiting anyone except keeping taxes already high and continuing the vicious cycle with no end in sight).

 @9H249XT from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

People who are looking for a safe haven are trying to restart in life, trying to do right, and trying to get their life back together, and not having a available safe haven is stopping them from bettering themselves.

 @9FWG9W5 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

It’s better than people doing the drugs and dying because you wont be able to stop them from doing them in the first place

 @9FQXTKD from Oklahoma disagreed…8mos8MO

I disagree cause we should treat addicts as a health crisis and we should do everything in our power to cure them of their illness and not as criminals the true criminals are those who deal the illegal drugs, we should shut down the border and reduce the risk of illegal drugs from crossing our borders

 @9FTYFXD from California disagreed…8mos8MO

Safe havens shouldn't be opened because it allows for more homeless and drugs to populate the area, it allows it to be okay, and the people doing drugs are only feeding their addiction

 @9FL67W6 from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

Drug users brains are required when using the drug only once. It is natural selection as to who will fall to the perils of addiction, but for certain people will. By supporting safe havens, we can reduce death rates, rampant drug use, and promote rehabilitation and education.

 @9FLPRV5 from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

those suck they should be here or even thought of they suck and are enableing people and killing people.


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