Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9FM572Y from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

Proponents argue that the comfort and assurances these spaces provide prevent stresses and distractions that inhibit student learning.

 @9FRBG4Nfrom Guam disagreed…9mos9MO

Just because safe spaces exist does not mean that students will become sheltered from the harsh realities that the real world has. It's more about giving students a space to just relax and not think about the pressures of their future. One may think, "Not everyone gets that luxury" Which is true but does that mean we should let it be that way regardless? No, students need safe spaces to provide them a short respite and get themselves refreshed for the next challenge they'll face next. This practice will be more sustainable and practical as they reach the professional world and help them maintain their motivation and productivity which will ultimately benefit society un the long run.

 @9GKJV32Libertarian from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

According to a report by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), over 30% of colleges in the United States maintain restrictive speech codes that can potentially limit academic freedom.
A study published in the National Association of Scholars found that many colleges have policies and practices that stifle the free exchange of ideas, particularly when it comes to controversial topics.
Impact on Open Dialogue:

A survey by the Cato Institute found that a significant portion of Americans (58%) feel that political correctness prevents important discussions from taking place. …  Read more

 @9F87VQHWomen’s Equality from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I would say having a safe space is a way for people wont retaliate and gain violence and having the space for them to calm down is better so everyone can be at ease.In schools


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