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18 Replies

 @9GF9ZP5 from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

Biological men contain a much higher physical ability in comparison to a female. Allowing Transgender athletes to compete against their desired sex would only create an unfair advantage against the biological women.

 @9GFG4MH from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

The XY and XX chromosome are genetically built different, and that's just biological facts. XY are constructed in a manner to be able to preform better in higher intensity sports. It can also be statistically proven that XY are at a much higher competitive level that XX have not preform as well in. So, transgender should not be able to compete in the gendered sport that is opposite assigned at birth. Conflicts over the

 @R1ghtWingAriannaSocialist from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Many trans women undergo hormone replacement therapy which significantly decreases their testosterone levels, often to levels lower than those found in cisgender women. This therapy can also decrease muscle mass and bone density, which are key factors in athletic performance.

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that transgender women who underwent hormone therapy for 12 months had an athletic advantage over cisgender women that was only marginal.


But you admit this is the case, that there is some level of advantage?

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington commented…2mos2MO

 @9GFQHYNRepublican from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

Even though a transperson has undergone hormonal procedures, they will always have an advantage over women. So, it is not fair to them, especially when the women they train maybe their whole lives in a certain sport. They should have the spotlight. It is a competition between women. Men have their own competitions. Just because you are a transperson, your biology plays an important part, so you should be respectful and not play in women's divisions and basically be fair play.


Each gender is born with physical and mental advantages and disadvantages, so it is scientifically unfair for men to compete in women's sports, as well as women in men's sports. It is also sexist, because each gender has their own sport, and for one gender to transfer over to the other gender and dominate in the sport is socially unfair.


They should not be allowed to play in opposite leagues. For example a big muscular testoterone blasted sigma male became transgender and then played girls basketball it would be a joke and they would dominate. No trans should mix or be alive.

 @C4pitalistFrankIndependent from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Transitioning from one gender to another involves hormone therapy, which significantly alters the body's physical characteristics. A male-to-female transgender athlete undergoes estrogen therapy, reducing muscle mass and strength, and bringing them to a level comparable to cisgender women athletes. It's not as simple as a "big muscular testosterone blasted sigma male" playing girls basketball.

Moreover, the statement "no trans should mix or be alive" is quite harsh and promotes intolerance. Remember, every individual has the right to live and express their identity freely. We should promote discussions that foster understanding and acceptance, and avoid promoting hatred or discrimination.

 @9GF9VK9Green from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

I think that transgender athletes can still perform but they should perform under their sex at birth. I think that if you want to be transgender that's great and all your decision. But when it comes to sports there are physical differences that set each group aside and that makes the game less fair.

 @9GF9FTZ from New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

Women should play with women and men should play with men in any athlete sports team. It would not be fair for a man to play against women, not to sound sexist or anything, because they are sometimes faster and stronger than a girl. Women could play against men, but why would they. They should make a transgender team, so everyone has a team and would not interfere or participate on a team where it would not be fair. A unisex team.

 @9GFYF3KRepublican from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

You shouldn't be allowed to change your gender anyways and a guy shouldn't be allowed to be in a girls sport especially go in the locker room cause the guy can see way to much.

 @9GFT76M from West Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

I encourage people to be yourself no matter what. everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Trans atheists should be able to join a sport of their gender.

 @9GHY3FQCommunist from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

transgender is wrong, changing what you were born like is completely wrong, and should be illegallized.

 @9GG3556 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe that is a boy transforms into a girl they should be able to compete as a girl in sports. I think that because they are physically still a boy and have the strength of a boy.

 @9GFB3F6 from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

There should at least be a separate sporting event for trans men and/or trans women. Otherwise the biological genders should compete with each other only for it being fair.

 @9GF8ZVR from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

It provides an unfair advantage due to the fact that most athletes transitioned after puberty leading to them being stronger and faster than female athletes.

 @9GHCJVG from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

I am not scared of those freaks, so it is not a phobia. Mentally ill people such as yourself should be institutionalized.


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