Try the political quiz

56 Replies

 @9M77TBS from Florida disagreed…4wks4W

I feel like the government should make sure that everyone has the ability to cover their basic needs no one should struggle to survive

 @9L7JQ9T from Oklahoma disagreed…2mos2MO

Food is (and legally should be) a human right, and many would be unable to afford food without a UBI.

 @9KXV2KP from Guam agreed…3mos3MO

UBI would cost 3.8 trillion dollars in the USA every year. Putting this on top of the already 34 trillion dollar debt.

 @9FMXHRS from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

A free market supports economic growth. Less government intervention when things are going good is better.

 @9FLGPCZCommunistfrom Virgin Islands disagreed…8mos8MO

every person deserves to live with the necessities so the least you can provide is income to house and feed themselves

 @9FLDK63 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

with a guaranteed basic income people who live in poverty because they were not able to afford a place to live would be able to get a job and save up to get a place to live. Adding onto that thought people are struggling now in multiple states because the price of housing has significantly increased and our pay has not. our food prices hace also increased.

 @9FL3KHZ from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

We live in a capitalistic society in which each person only gets what they worked for and we need productive members of society. Giving people free money would just make people not work when the government is providing everything.

 @9F7ZYX7 from Maryland disagreed…9mos9MO

Universal basic income provides an opportunity for people to pursue fulfilling work and to spend more time and energy doing things to improve their lives, their communities, and the world. As more and more jobs are lost to technology and AI, we need a serious solution that will strengthen the economy and help people take steps to improve their lives and do work they love. UBI is a humanizing social safety net that doesn't depend on government paternalism or devolve into "workfare." It gives people the freedom and opportunity to pursue the life they want and to thrive in ways…  Read more

 @9GS2H7Zfrom Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Litteraly all research about it has positive outcomes and if you disregard facts for you stupid opinion then you are ignorant and should go take classes on how to thingk critticaly.

 @9G4S86M from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

We already have almost 100 million people in the US labor force that are inactive, and more would be if they could get a check and stay home. Many choose not to go back to work after COVID after staying home and not having to worry about getting out of bed to earn a paycheck!

 @9FLR783 from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

I would support it because what is someone dosen't have unuff money to get food or something the goverment would defanitly need to help them

 @9FLQBZY from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

When coupled with a higher tax rate on the rich and the closing of corporate loopholes, it would help to end homelessness and poverty.

 @9FVKRWL from California agreed…8mos8MO

This should not be supported. People will be lazy and will never go to work again. Instead, they will ruin the working class


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