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822 Replies

 @8KMFTLX from Kentucky disagreed…4yrs4Y

A Mother and Mother family structure can be just as good for a child as a Mother and Father family structure. Theres no difference between the two structures except for what the parents have in their pants.


 @8N6HCV9 from Oklahoma commented…4yrs4Y

Exactly. People make excuses as to why this doesn't make sense or would "turn the kids gay" or "not be healthy" or isn't "normal", bu that's all nonsense. The thing that matters for being parents is your love for your child--not your gender and the gender of your partner.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan disagreed…12mos12MO

 @9GLJJ68 from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe if two people love each other and want a family to extend their love, they should have the right to.


A Mother and Mother family structure can be just as good for a child as a Mother and Father family structure. There's no difference between the two structures except for what the parents have in their pants.

 @9FMZHJM from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Homosexuality is known (proven) to be exhibited in over a thousand species, and they sometimes adopt a baby that was orphaned.

 @9G63H3Z  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

I was essentially raised by my grandma and mom, two women, and as a man this did not affect my masculinity or my mental health. I also think they did a pretty great job raising me, as I always felt loved and they encouraged me to do my best. I'm still in high school and am taking a bunch of higher level classes and I have pretty good grades. And I prefer being raised in a house with my grandma and mom, than with two different sex parents who don't know **** about parenting.

 @9M3HKXQSocialist from North Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

Gay couples are often accused of being harmful parental models for children, however gay couples can often put kids in a better position as kids in a family with LGBT parents know that they will be loved and accepted.

 @9L264NK from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

I was essentially raised by my grandma and mom, two women, and as a man this did not affect my masculinity or my mental health. I also think they did a pretty great job raising me, as I always felt loved and they encouraged me to do my best. I'm still in high school and am taking a bunch of higher level classes and I have pretty good grades. And I prefer being raised in a house with my grandma and mom, than with two different sex parents who don't know about parenting.

 @9JX6GPKRepublican from Ohio disagreed…4mos4MO

There are so many children without homes that it really doesn't matter as long as they have loving parents.

 @9JP9V2M from Maryland disagreed…4mos4MO

As for families of parents who are the same sex or opposite sexes can have same affects on a child as living in a household with one parent.

 @9LTV5SC from California disagreed…1mo1MO

Th structure does not hold any power in how a person is able to take care of a child. Many single parents are able to have a child who is perfectly happy. As well as split parents. By this logic, split parents should not be allowed o have a child either.

 @9GRG6DX from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

Some mother and father family structures are unhealthy and toxic, some are also abusive, physically and/or mentally. As long as they treat the kid right I don't see a problem with same sex adoption.

 @9F7W2CN  from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

The Bible specifically calls attention to the roles of men and women in marriage, stating specifically that a man is to be the head of the house. Therein lies the issue because you cannot properly fit into this mold with two men or two women operating together within a marriage. The Bible is also clear when it establishes in Genesis that a woman is to be one flesh with a man within the parameters of marriage, and gives the command to be fruitful and multiply. LGBT couples simply cannot perform in roles that were so clearly established for a man and a woman.

 @9GMTDVX from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

By that logic, we should also restrict adoption rights and be critical of the structure of single-parent households, right?
Obviously not, it's a baseless argument.

 @9GJFDW4 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Even mothers and fathers can't be good at parenting. There have been many crimes concerning domestic abuse that come from a mother and father home. There isn't a perfect family structures, plus if a member of the LGBT community decides to adopt that means they really want one.

 @9GKN79C from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

why do you care? its not you business and aslong as the child isnt being actively harmed it isnt bothering you.


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