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106 Replies

 @9GGH4NGPeace and Freedom from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

i feel like they shouldn't have to get vaccinated because everyone families don't believe in these types of things including me

 @9GGSFX7Republican from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

The government has free will and by making/forcing us to take a vaccine, they are taking away our free will, which was fought over for us to own.

 @9GGW75RDemocrat from California agreed…7mos7MO

Vaccinating children will be disease free, but they still have a choice on whether or not to get it.

 @9GHP7KGRepublican from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

Children should not be forced to be vaccinated especially if its the Covid vaccine because we do not know what the health problems may be in the long run.Only time will tell.

 @9GQTB3C from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

The vaccine isn't nearly tested enough. Most vaccines are tested for years and years before being released, this not being the case for Covid as well as the fact that its shown to have side effects, it's unsafe for people to get these, and it should absolutely be a choice of a grown adult what they put in their body after doing their own research.

 @9GML9XC from California disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe that the people should have the option. I do not think that the government should be able to force people to take vaccines and should not have a say in a persons medical care.

 @9GJ5MVP from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

If you don't want to vaccinate your children, so be it, but there have been countless tests and research that has proven that the vaccines given to kids when they are born can keep them from getting deadly viruses.

 @9GH4MRC from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

I think that Vaccinations shouldn't be mandatory becasue you should have the freedom to choose whether what you want in your system and what you do not want, it shouldn't be up the government.

 @9GHYVXW from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Vaccinations should not be forced on people who do not agree or people who do not want them. People should not be forced to do something

 @9GHLYRZIndependent from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

t is the parents choice to vaccinate there children if they want to or not for example covid came and went and i never got the vaccination

 @9FF5GTG from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

It is the parents choice to vaccinate there children if they want to or not for example covid came and went and i never got the vaccination

 @9GLSWWY from California disagreed…7mos7MO

No, vacciantion just make you sick and it puts younger kids at a higher risk of getting sick with them being so young and the body not developed fully

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

 @9GMVYJK from Tennessee disagreed…7mos7MO

in my opinion, the parents and child should have a say in whether they should get a vaccine. The school should not say it is mandatory because some vaccines have been proven harmful to children and adults alike.

 @9H4J2DP from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

There can be different health effects on the children, especially at such a young age, and taking away their fundamental rights can be dangerous.

 @9GLV8G6 from California disagreed…7mos7MO

I dont think that it should be mandatory but if the parents decide for the child to get the vaccines than that is their decision.

 @9G6GHPHRepublican from Louisiana disagreed…8mos8MO

The government has free will and by making/forcing us to take a vaccine, they are taking away our free will, which was fought over for us to own.

 @9GZLV8D from California disagreed…7mos7MO

We are putting illness in our body and sometimes people end up with side effects that can ruin their life.

 @9GKNZ3G from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

i think that yes kids should be vaccinated but some can get worst from getting vaccinated and i also think that parents should have the choice.

 @9GHZ67K from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Children should be mandated or forced to get the vaccine as they are young. They are supposed to get sick and by giving them a vaccine can affect their bodies later on.

 @9GCXLFS from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

if kids don't get small sicknesses when they're young then when they get older and go to school and catch something, the symptoms will be a lot worse than if they already had it. Yes, it's important to keep kids healthy, but if their immune system never has to fight anything it wont get stronger and protect them from worse things.

 @9G9GN2ZRepublican from Idaho disagreed…8mos8MO

Forcing someone to take a vaccine (especially when the long-term side effects are still to be discovered) at such a young age is a much bigger health risk than if the patient got an already known illness that has treatment. Our bodies naturally contract illnesses so they can gain their own immunity and while some like the chicken pox can replicate that, it doesn't work at a high enough consistency.

 @9G85K4RRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

Children who are too young to receive vaccines should not be exposed to fatally unhealthy conditions or people at an excessive rate, which is the responsibility of the parent to keep their child in healthy environments until they are old enough to receive a vaccine, or until their immune system is strong enough to defend itself. People who are so contagious to someone who is not vaccinated to the point that it could be harmful to others should be isolated and treated, and their illness should not limit the choices of someone else.

 @9H4QTXT from Michigan disagreed…6mos6MO

In my opinion vaccines harm more than do good. The parent should have a personal choice on weather they want their kid to be vaccinated or not.

 @9F8SF3N from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

I would say the parents shouldn't make there kids get a vaccine i feel everyone should have a choice on the the vaccines.

 @9G9SLNT from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Individual rights should be favored over the effects on an overall group. We have to recognize that in the real world, each individual has to put their own needs before everyone else. It is not anyone's job to worry about another person and go against their own beliefs for a stranger's benefit.

 @9GH84L2 from Maryland disagreed…7mos7MO

I don't have one, children's whose lives are at risk if they don't have a vaccine should be required to be given them until they can say no or aren't at risk.

 @9G3RRQ3 from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes they can be essential from protecting children because if the children are young it could protect them in the future from getting as sick or a really bad disease.

 @9GLHWHN from Arkansas disagreed…7mos7MO

No, I don't think vaccine is necessary for protecting little children. I dont know the statistics but I don't like it.

 @9FWM5WN from Ohio disagreed…8mos8MO

Even if it is your choice to not vaccinate yourself and you are the legal guardian of your children that are under 18 then it is your choice for your children as well as yours.

 @9FZG6HX from Tennessee disagreed…8mos8MO

If your that scared of it don´t come out of the house or just do your own thing because it´s not my problem if you are that afraid of a virus

 @9F87ZJM from California agreed…9mos9MO

I would say that some children are not able to receive a vaccine due to underlying heath conditions. It could potentially harm or endanger the child.

 @9GK7RTZRepublican  from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

Government is not the parent. Government is not "big Daddy" who makes decisions for our children. Stay out of the family. Stay out of our bodies.

 @9M2HP8W from Texas disagreed…1mo1MO

It doesn’t matter whether or not the others have it they can still very well catch whatever is going on.

 @9LWMZNF from Oklahoma disagreed…1mo1MO

People are responsible for keeping their families and the people they encounter safe. If children are too young to be vaccinated, it is important to build their immune system and practice good hygiene. If someone is showing symptoms or not feeling well, then they should stay at home. People need to take responsibility and not burden the government with these problems.

 @9HCSQXGConstitution from New Hampshire disagreed…6mos6MO

It is up to the parents to decide if their child needs the vaccination. Also ironically, fetuses’ cells from abortions are used for these vaccinations. Therefore, it is hypocritical that vaccinations should be enforced for children, as the vaccinations are made from people killing their children.

 @9M29D98 from Utah disagreed…1mo1MO

i feel they should not have to get vaccinated they have choices and the family might not want them to

 @9LZ4SF3Republican from Connecticut disagreed…1mo1MO

This isn't necessarily true because everyone is different and for some people vaccinations can be deadly and for some they work or they might not. It is a matter of opinion on whether it is good for you to have.

 @9HJLRHY from Minnesota disagreed…6mos6MO

I believe that children shouldn't be forced to get COVID-19 vaccinated by the government because it is up to the parents.

 @9LXYH87 from Wisconsin disagreed…1mo1MO

Children should not be forced to be vaccinated especially if it's the Covid vaccine because we do not know what the health problems may be in the long run.Only time will tell. The flu shot is technically mandated but its also been a thing for very many years now and people trust it when they know what it does in the long run.

 @9GZR859Peace and Freedom from Pennsylvania disagreed…7mos7MO

You want to give your very young child a vaccine for something that you don't even know if they will get it. You don't know what is in that vaccine, it could make your child worse.

 @9GY8TQR from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

In the past some vaccines with many many years of testing, have been proven to help with symptoms and result safely.

 @9GY3CC5 from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

There are methods of accommodating each individual and their decisions. Parents who do not wish for their child to receive vaccinations should have access to facilities and institutions that provide a means of precautionary safeguards for the protection of their children, such as, a separate delivery room with greater sterilization and daycare facilities specifically designed and equipped for unvaccinated children. Since the risk of infection is highest within the child first few years, no changes would need to be made once the child enters school. There are thousands of accommodations being…  Read more

 @9GPZ33TRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

I would have to say that is quite unfortunate. Many children may suffer from the virus, but the vaccine would not stop it from spreading in other ways. If anything, many who have gotten the vaccine just get the symptoms masked. So they will spread it themselves. It will find a way to spread regardless, so until then keep a close eye out on your child.

 @9GLBDMV  from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

Many vaccines have been shown to have negative effects in children years after they have had a vaccine. So I feel that while we should not make every child get every vaccine but require the ones that have tested to work and not cause negative effects in anyone.

 @9GL7JYHRepublican  from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

If your child is vaccinated and you believe they are effective then they should be safe. Why does it matter if mine is vaccinated?

 @9GJXMDWLibertarian from Vermont disagreed…7mos7MO

The government wants to control everything including our bodies and personal health which is ridiculous

 @9GZ4RGVDemocrat from New York disagreed…7mos7MO

Unless you are under the age of 3 or 4, you are generally not considered too young to be vaccinated. Younger kids need vaccinations since they have not built up necessary anti-bodies against common viruses.

 @9GMRZLQRepublican from Delaware disagreed…7mos7MO

The parents need to have a say in their children's lives and vaccinations being mandatory is taking away that say with the parents.

 @9G8LT4X from Connecticut disagreed…8mos8MO

studies show that a majority of young children that tested positive for covid did not have severe symptoms hut instead suffered mild ones.


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