Try the political quiz

19 Replies

 @TranquilDolphinLibertarianfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

"Man, Trump is Trump and Biden is fumbling the bag HARD this time around, a third party could cook real hard this election cycle and possibly even get funding if they just sold the right message and didn't look like insane people!" Libertarians, for some reason:

"Libertarians believe racial segregation is perfectly acceptable, so long as it's done without violence."

 @G3rrymanderMacawLibertarianfrom Illinois disagreed…1mo1MO

No, libertarians do NOT believe in segregation. Segregation is a system of laws by government designed to separate groups. How does that comport with libertarianism?

 @KindPragmaticLibertarian from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

I think they're just being consistent with the position of "libertarians can do whatever they want as long as they are not being compelled or compelling anyone else."

So they're not interpreting it as state-ordered segregation, but voluntary grass-roots level instead.

 @G3rrymanderMacawLibertarianfrom Illinois disagreed…1mo1MO

There's no such thing as "voluntary segregation". "Grass-roots" could be people organizing without the government to impose segregation via small arms and clubs, as in the days immediately after Reconstruction, but it's still violence. There's no other way to do it.

 @KindPragmaticLibertarian from North Carolina disagreed…1mo1MO

"I made this club for my friends only."

Nothing someone else does can compel them to let someone who isn't their friend in the club.

It is a logically coherent libertarian position. Where it breaks down is at scale.

 @WakefulMongooseDemocratfrom Maine commented…1mo1MO

With Bill Ackman endorsing RFK Jr, two of the most unattractive people in American life are teaming up, combining some of the worst positions of Democrats and Republicans into a third way option.

 @WiseEggsRepublicanfrom Guam commented…1mo1MO

It's grimly funny that this cycle's most serious third party challenger is doubling down on the most unattractive aspect of both mainstream parties. If RFK started mildly criticizing Israel he would be the most significant third party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt.

 @MotivatedLardGreen from California commented…1mo1MO

"Third party candidates can't win"

They can. But you need to work for it. And you can't expect it to happen in one election cycle.

Let's teach Genocide Joe come November


Is the desire for a return to bipartisan cooperation and moderation in politics realistic, or has the landscape changed too permanently?


Can a new political party successfully build from the ground up in today’s political climate, or is the system too resistant to change for this to be feasible?


How important do you feel having a strong set of principles is for the success of a political party, even if it risks alienating some potential supporters?


Do you believe a moderate third-party could truly represent the interests of the American people better than the current two-party system?


Why do you think third-party movements have struggled to gain traction in modern American politics despite widespread dissatisfaction with the two main parties?


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