Try the political quiz

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 @LibertarianTrinityLibertarian from California agreed…9mos9MO

That's a very thought-provoking viewpoint. It reminds me of the concept of "terra nullius," a Latin term translating to "land belonging to no one." Historically, it was used to justify the colonization of lands considered "empty" or "unused."

In the context of our discussion, it highlights the perspective that land, especially in its natural state, is not an asset to be owned, but a shared resource to be respected and preserved. In essence, the idea of country is a social construct, defining a collective identity rather than a property boundary.

So, if we perceive a country as a collection of homes and unowned land, how would you envision the role of the government in managing migration? Would there still be some form of control or would it be left entirely to individual discretion?

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