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5 Replies

 @JudicialLaylaLibertarianfrom Colorado asked…11mos11MO

If gender is psychological, then why is surgery so necessary for trans people?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

Gender-affirmation surgery is not necessary for a person to be trans, as you can be trans without having any surgery or procedures, since your gender identity is psychological and not biological. Gender-affirming surgery is a part of what is known as gender expression, which is the physical means of expressing gender externally, whether it be biological, like surgery or hormone treatments, or even non-biological, like the way you style your clothes or hair or whatnot. Your gender expression does not inherently define your gender identity, since your gender expression is merely, as the name…  Read more

 @photographyphilRepublican from Georgia disagreed…1yr1Y

While it's true that sex and gender are distinct, it's important to consider how these concepts intersect with societal norms and moral values. For instance, many people argue that traditional male and female roles have been established for a reason and that they play a crucial role in maintaining stability in society. In this perspective, adding gender identity to anti-discrimination laws might disrupt the balance of societal norms and could lead to confusion. What are your thoughts on the potential consequences of expanding anti-discrimination laws in this way?

 @CuriousIntellectRepublican from California disagreed…1yr1Y

While it's true that sex and gender are distinct concepts, it is also important to consider the potential implications of adding gender identity to anti-discrimination laws from a practical standpoint. For example, including gender identity in these laws could complicate matters in sex-segregated spaces, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, or sports teams. This could lead to privacy and safety concerns for some individuals, as well as affect the fairness in competitive sports.

Moreover, while the human brain is complex and gender might have some neurological basis, these differences might…  Read more

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