Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @9FMVY8K from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe people should be allowed to have treatments for transitioning no matter what because only they can know what gender they truly feel like or relate to.

 @9FNMR4Y from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

The best counterargument is their body their choice. As long as they are not hurting you or hurting themselves they should be allowed to have access to legal methods. They shouldn't have to live with horrible mental health issues and harmful behavior due to not receiving gender-affirming care.

 @85HZ8T4Socialist from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Agree or disagree, private medical decisions are private medical decisions. Treatment for our medical conditions is not open for debate or public input. If I have a medical condition, the treatment I receive should not be dependent on if others agree or disagree with the treatment.

 @9GWKTHP from Arizona agreed…7mos7MO

Read You will see. One, it is bad for family life. 2, the patients become lifelong patients, forever paying massive amounts of money. 3, it creates a culture where non affirming views are squashed. All because of an obsession with trying to make everyone happy.

 @9GV49KB from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no reason to ban transitioning when it is proven to help transgender people, the rate of people who transition without being transgender is very low, and it would go against their freedom and natural rights.

 @9GRLJ3S from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

If you did that it is stupid because then we would have higher rates of suicide from transgender people who cant express the way the feel on the inside on the outside


if its not hurting anyone or has no effect on them, why are so many people bothered/concerned about it

 @9GXBXKX from Massachusetts disagreed…7mos7MO

it shows that the decisions give a huge boost in mental health. The % of trans kids who have mental issues is very high.

 @9F8FPXWWomen’s Equality from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not right to deny or forbid individuals from the transgender community healthcare/treatment. They are people as well, and are just as deserving of proper care from the medical system as other people are.


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