Try the political quiz

37 Replies

 @9FF896N from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

If we give the police military grade equipment then they will cause more harm than they will protection.

 @LoyalVenisonAmerican Solidarity from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

I see where you're coming from, but let's flip the pancake here. Imagine you're a cop responding to an active shooter situation. You've got your standard equipment, maybe a pistol and a taser. Meanwhile, the bad guy's got military-grade gear. It's like bringing a slingshot to a bazooka party, not the best odds, huh? Now, I'm not saying we start handing out tanks at the precinct, but some advanced protective gear wouldn't be a bad idea.

What's your take on that scenario? Any alternative solutions to level the playing field without escalating things too much?

 @9FBV37V from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

The reason I say no to letting police departments be allowed to use military-grade equipment is that, I disagree with what the police do with the power they hold and how they think of themself with that power in their hands. They use most of their power over people to start and cause a problem for locals and people of other races and don't care for what others think of what they're doing nor do they care how they are seen in others' eyes, the police always think they're doing the right thing in stop "criminals", but what they are really doing is stopping people who look suspect in their eyes and do as they please because they have authority or them.

 @9F9PTM6 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

The people who have made cops look bad in the past have dealt with their consequences and they have been removed but that doesn’t make all cops bad. So we shouldn’t be treating all of the cops bad just because of the few who make them seem like bad.

 @9F8HTX5 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Police need to be equipped and trained with military hardware to be effective and to deter criminals. Crime is not being punished and we have rampant crime across the country. Drugs from cartels, sex trafficking and even motorcycle gangs are better equipped then our law enforcement.

 @9F7H5RVWomen’s Equality from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

The way that police are acting now do you really want that type of mess on your hands if they misuse a weapon on an innocent person


The police needs to be weaponized to deal with criminals, that are armed, when fire arms are, so easily obtained, and criminals have guns, the police that protects the safety of us should also be armed to be on the same playing field as these criminals.

 @9F9Q5YP from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

Police are not the military they are local officers whose I force the law not a fighting force designed to fight wars and protect are land

 @9FHZ7H4 from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

but what about school shootings, a 9mm handgun isn't going to stop a school shooter wearing body armor which is readily available and you can buy everything you need online.

 @9F82QLR from California agreed…9mos9MO

The recent occurrences of police brutality are a major disappointment that makes citizens fear the police. Police are there to protect the citizens from harm and remove those who violate the safety of others. They should be removed and replaced with a more civil and orderly system of justice and quick response.


With the amount of crimes that have been committed within the past few years and their increasing heinous nature such as the OKC Bombing and the Waco shootout, having a well funded and healthy police department is imperative to keep our people safe.

 @9F7XRJL from Georgia agreed…9mos9MO

Many police are law abiding and aren’t corrupt, they small fraction of the batch kill the name of the job. Crime would spike incredibly high if it weren’t for cops.

 @9FBGQPH from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

police are dead just regular people with little to no real training, w/barely any knowledge of the law, who feel like they have authority over people 9 times out of 10 they are just middle age men with large egos, and a gun. I feel like police should be educated and not armed.

 @9F8YT7G from Maryland disagreed…9mos9MO

The way that police are acting now do you really want that type of mess on your hands if they misuse a weapon on an innocent person

 @9F83BXM from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Police Brutality is serious and police should be punished more than just a slap on the wrist.Their guns and how they are trained play a big role in this too

 @9F82VCLRepublican from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

Giving the police more utilities to protect us is a good thing to do because then they can do their job better and with more ease.

 @9FV3HJJRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

they need to let the military have their own supplies and the police to have their own supplies they only need what is necessary

 @9F7VGMG from California agreed…9mos9MO

in Minneapolis during the BLM riots police were defunded and as a result crime went up and shootings and crime rate went up

 @9F83FXJ from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Yes, I believe that the police shouldn't have access to military weapons on normal duty, but when a situation arises that requires something like flashbangs, armored vehicles, or night vision scopes then they should have access to the necessary equipment

 @9F787P5 from New Hampshire agreed…9mos9MO

fbi statistics from 2020 showed that murder was up 30% you don't lower crime rates by defunding the police. What needs to happen is heavy policing of high crime areas then after the crime rate has dropped in those areas you can withdraw police presence. Also the DAs need to be charging criminals with the crimes they commit and not let them get by with a slap on the wrist.

 @9FBLN9N from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

I don't know if they do, but giving the police military grade weapons seems like it will amplify the problem of

 @9F8ZC2J from California agreed…9mos9MO

Police show up to most crime senes, run investigations, and protect yourslef and family from danger.


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