Try the political quiz

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 @9GLFGNY from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

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I really loved to see Donald in the office. People hated him because they thought he was a terrible person but they take everything the wrong way. Donald cared about the economy and kept peace with all countries around us.

 @9GSM76RWomen’s Equality from California disagreed…7mos7MO

 @9GMLGT9Democrat from Alabama disagreed…8mos8MO

Trump cares for nothing and no one if he isn’t personally enriched. The man wouldn’t waste his spit on the people who support him. He is a master manipulator and narcissist, a huckster who knows how to bend simple people to his will.

 @9LBPYHB from Missouri disagreed…2mos2MO

Trump was a good president its just that Democrats hated him they never left him alone. They still haven't

 @9GX3JYMDemocrat from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

Donald Trump was an instigator. Although he was good at forcing his way on most things, everything he seemed to do instigated someone. He may have “kept” peace but it was also a means to cover up the bad things he was doing on the side.

 @9GMGXG4 from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

Actually Donald trump is not what you think he is yes he has made do major accomplishment but he has done some bad things in his time and is worthy to lead and has been arrested on multiple acounts.

 @NycumC03Democrat from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Lets me just put it bluntly! Trump is a misogynist and a racist! The way he talks about women is disgusting. He is know for lowering gas prices but in reality Obama did that! He also has no respect for minorities or the LGBTQ + community! Sorry it had to be said!

 @9FSXV2JLibertarian from California disagreed…8mos8MO

There is no evidence that Trump is either a misogynist or racist. He has helped and bettered the economy and speaks the truth whether or not that's what the people of America want to hear. He shows respect and love for all people group and allow pushed for gay marriage when joe biden and Obama didn't

 @SpiritedSyrupfrom Massachusetts disagreed…8mos8MO

speaks the truth

He claims he weighs 215lbs. Think about that for a minute and about how committed to the truth you think he is.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Here's probably one of his most famous examples of misogynistic, and blatantly rapey, behavior:

"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the ***** . You can do anything."

Not to mention his actual history of sexual assault cases.

Meanwhile, here's another one of his famously racist/xenophobic statements:

“When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs,…  Read more

 @9L6S69T from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Whats up brother. I steal from the homeless I take from the rich, I dont care thats what I do robbing hood robbing who I'm in your neighborhood robbing you that's what I do. CHECK CHECK TUESDAY.

 @9FX978P from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

He tried to sign laws that would make it so that hospitals can reject treating you if you are tans. He lowed taxes for all of his rich friends who already are sitting on millions of dollars they will never touch. one of the first things Trump did in office was abolish Obama Care which was the most successful government-run healthcare program in the United States. He hates everyone that isn't a white straight man, that's why trump rallies all look like a KKK meetings.

 @9LBPYHB from Missouri disagreed…2mos2MO

If you Democrats are all about being free free choice free everything then why is it wrong for Trumps "rallies to be like KKk meetings" You all cant say one thing when it's in your favor and say it's not alright when someone you don't like agrees with it or does whatever you liberals get all pissy about. Also trump isn't racist for wanting to build a way that's some BS. I mean hey if you want all these druggies living on your sidewalks robbing places and having no respect for anyone or anything. I understand that at times its good to help poverty and people…  Read more

 @9FXG2RV from Minnesota agreed…8mos8MO

Trump has had a history of making insulting comments about women and people of color. When asked about his previous comments, he doubles down. He has also made deplorable comments about other minority groups such as members of the LGBTQ+ community and immigrants. Examples are when he said, "laziness is a trait blacks," in 1999. A more recent example is from 2015 when he said, "They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume…  Read more

 @9L6S69T from Texas disagreed…3mos3MO

Whats up brother! I steal from the homeless and I take from the rich I don't care, robbing hood robbing who I'm in your hood robbing you, that's what I do. CHECK CHECK TUESDAY!

 @9GSZCTHRepublican  from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

Trump is one of the best presidents America has had and I say that with pride. He has made peace treaties with North Korea, when no other president was able to. He helped our country regulate oil production and sales. He is a smart man who has been improving our economy and peace throughout the world. I have no doubt he should come back and take control and save America because he runs it with integrity and tells things like they are.

 @9GTHGDTPeace and Freedom from Nebraska disagreed…7mos7MO

He's racist, sexist, manipulated thousands of people, his skin tone is orange, he had documents in his possession that was illegal for him to have, he was impeached, he is a criminal, building a wall will not help, he got ideas for his campaign from a conspiracy theorist, and he undid helpful things Obama put into place.

 @9GW7WJWDemocrat from West Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

A great reason that is shouldn't be president again is because he is up against 13 federal cases of treason against the country from his time as president.

 @9GT472M from Missouri disagreed…7mos7MO

Trump is both racist and misogynistic. He has made 'jokes' about raping women. He also was accused of rape by women.

 @9GSZCTHRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…7mos7MO

The allegations were proven as false as there was no evidence to solidly convict. Biden also has charges.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

All allegations were not proven false, and he has even admitted to some. Also, Biden should be tried too idc about him either, they both suck

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

E. Jean Caroll says otherwise, and most current charges are still up in the air.

 @9LBPYHB from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

 @9GTDCZH  from Idaho disagreed…7mos7MO

He is a good businessman, and a funny person. He may have helped our economy some, but wouldn't we rather move forward? I'd say we should inaugurate a younger person, maybe even a woman. We could use the different perspective and something new. We need to move towards a younger group of voters and a younger generation being included in our government.

 @9H4TZG6  from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

He will lower everything including gas prices and build the boarder back up and get all the illegals back over the boarder get deal with all the drugs in the U.S

 @9H6JG57Democrat from California disagreed…7mos7MO

Gas prices were at their highest in 2019 in many years when Trump was in office, gas prices are not determined by the executive branch. We have a heavy drug culture that demands myriads of drugs, Mexican cartels simply meet the demand. If we do not control our culture here, we will keep having drugs come into the country.

 @9H5H3JQ from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

I agree with this. Trump had the economy and immigration under control. Our economy was booming and it all went downhill as soon he left office.

 @9JY4DGV from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

"Our economy was booming"?? Really!?

Trump is a misogynist, narcissist and frankly completely full of sh!t. He spews the same lies over and over until all you fools believe him.

 @9M3P3V2 from California commented…1mo1MO

 @9HVRT9Z from Colorado commented…5mos5MO

President have now control over gas prices or global economy. Also Republicans never actually do anything about immigrants because that goes entirely against what venture capitalists want.


I like Trump and agree with most of his policy, but his reputation is tarnished and he is doing stupid stuff now, so I would much rather have DeSantis 2024.

 @98S72BV from Florida commented…1yr1Y

Desantis needs to finish out his term as Governor of Florida. He is young, and we will need someone for 2024. Plus you need to keep a watch on him...Paul Ryan and cohorts have him surrounded.

 @984V6V7Constitution from Alabama commented…2yrs2Y

I agree! Trump has been dividing the republican party. We need stronger leadership! DESANTIS 2024!!!!


DeSantis is just a more establishment version of Trump. I don't like how either pander to predominately democrat-voting demographic like negros, Jews, and gays. Instead of trying to convince Democrats how progressive the GOP is, they should instead just focus on producing a pro-family culture and bringing law and order streets

 @9G96K2L  from Iowa agreed…8mos8MO

I think that we need a Republican because we cant just make up the laws I would vote on either Vivek Ramaswamy Or Donald Trump.

 @9GMV64R  from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

He tells it how it is. He doesn’t care about your poor feelings. America needs this. It’s time to grow up.


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