Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9H8CWLK from Florida agreed…6mos6MO

Border Security is a measure that limits, and, in the best case scenario, prohibits the passage of drugs/illegal substances, contraband, and people who pose as threats to society. If people are asking for heightened regulation on gun control (things such as psychological and background checks), then shouldn't it be reasonable to assume that the people in other countries with access to more deadly, less regulated substances and weapons should be kept out or severely interrogated and analyzed?

 @9GF265ZRepublican from New Jersey agreed…7mos7MO

Many cities have seen a massive increase in drug related crimes thanks to this loosening of our southern border. These are children ignorantly buying these drugs.

 @9F7VPL9 from Missouri agreed…9mos9MO

New Yorkers are suddenly anti-illegal-immigrant as soon as they have a few dropped on their doorstep. Border states have been dealing with this on a much greater scale for years.
Low-skilled workers (the poor) face far greater competition for work after mass migration, driving down wages, and availability of jobs.


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