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207 Replies

 @9FB87S2  from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Top Agreement

A minimum wage allows workers to have the basic right of labor, and adjusting it every year according to inflation could prevent the loss of jobs.

 @9FDCMG8 from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

increasing minimum wage increases business expenses therefore increasing prices on services and products thus cancelling the increased pay by increasing cost of living

 @9FBKPY7Green from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Workers should have basic right of labor, but adujusting the minium wage every year can be very unstable to the workers.

 @CheerfulJ0intResolutionLibertarian from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's understood that annual adjustments could introduce a degree of unpredictability, it's also important to consider the historical context. For instance, in Australia, wage adjustments are made annually based on inflation and other economic factors. This has not led to instability, but rather it has helped maintain a decent living standard for low-wage workers. Moreover, tying minimum wage to inflation has been an effective tool against poverty in countries like France. What could be a counter-solution to balance the need for a fair wage and the perceived instability annual adjustments might bring?

 @9FCCTMPWomen’s Equality from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The issue of raising the minimum wage lies in the concept of the circular flow. Yes, we can increase the minimum wage, however, this would be detrimental to small businesses and allow large corporations to take a larger piece of the industry. Large corporations such as Target are for raising the minimum wage, not because they are a loving and caring retail giant, but because it allows them to compete better against their competition, and push other businesses that can't afford to pay their employees raised minimum wage out of the industry. When these corporations need to lay off employee…  Read more


Minimum wage is the starting job/inflation rises along with this wage and should not be allowed to rise.

 @9GHSYR3 from Missouri agreed…8mos8MO

When inflation comes into play, the livable wage is no longer as livable as it once was. If we don’t raise the minimum wage along with inflation, then those food items and apartments that were once affordable will be unaffordable. The wage we are given for work as minimum wage employees needs to be enough to get us by, that is the entire point! If the government is unwilling to keep up with the inflation around the country, they are not committed to a providing a living wage.

 @9GJ7QX7 from California disagreed…8mos8MO

The main problem with increasing wages is that if you increase the minimum wage, companies will just increase their prices. Even if we reduced wages anymore now, the prices may not change. We need to find a balance that would keep prices low, but wages at an acceptable standard. That's the tricky part. If you want to get paid more: Work harder, and you'll be compensated by your employer.

 @9GJ7BZ9 from Washington D.C. disagreed…8mos8MO

Inflation will only get worse when we increase minimum wage. This country is already in a state of despair and it is important that we combat the inflation situation without making it worse.

 @9GLZ4NW  from New York disagreed…8mos8MO

People do not get a living wage through laws passed by the government but through the state of the economy, the problem is due to the labor market not to the laws. Raising the minimum wage will just make it more difficult to get a job, force people to work more and cut people from the job market. Setting a minimum wage doesn't change the reality of the economy, private companies just follow the market, they are as greedy as the market let's them to be. That's why engineers have very high salaries and are not paid to a minimum wage because their work has more value and they have…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

If you agree that the issue stems from private interests making for-profit decisions over our economy, then the solution should be to abolish that system of organization.

 @9GHZ2RG from Missouri disagreed…8mos8MO

Increasing minimum wage increases the production, distribution and store cost of every product that is purchased. Therefore the product cost will increase for the individual at a higher rate. If one finds they need more money, then it is up to the individual to learn marketable trades to earn more, not the government to force companies to pay more for unskilled labor.

 @9GJSXT4Independent  from California agreed…8mos8MO

We can provide data and charts showing the separation and widening gap of minimum wage in comparison to the cost of living. We don't need to. We just need to ask individuals working full time and have 3 roommates. It has become lunacy. All we want it to work hard and have the same opportunities previous generations have had.

 @9GK3PQM from Kentucky agreed…8mos8MO

It should be pointed out that, back in the 1950s, when the US was an economic powerhouse, tax rates on the wealthy were much higher, and CEOs’ comparative salaries (compared to line workers) were much lower. We have have economic success and still lower the gap between the rich and the poor.

 @9GK3K5LPeace and Freedom from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

the mimimum wage gap is clearly miles apart from each other which is a problem that should be taken care of because of the high rise of inflation

  @Devroe  from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

The minimum wage in this country is set ridiculously low and no one making this little could have a hope for sustaining themselves without assistance or working multiple jobs. At $7.25 an hr. a person working full-time, 40 hrs/week would only be making $1160.00 a month before taxes. So let’s break that down. The tax rate for this amount of income is 12% which would be roughly $139. $1160-$139 = $1020. The average rent for a 1 br apartment in this country is around $1100 but let’s be generous and say this person got lucky and found a room for rent for $600. $1020-$600 = $420. On…  Read more

 @9GTBY3Y  from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

People making minimum wages don't pay taxes, as a matter of fact, 57% of households don't pay federal income tax at all. Never have I lived in a minimum wage household, so maybe I'm a bit naive, but raising minimum wage only makes goods and services more expensive, inflating the economy, which is not something that I want.

  @Devroe  from Texas commented…7mos7MO

I disagree with this pretty much in its entirety. I’m not sure where your statistics came from but a quick google search will tell you that the number of households who don’t pay income tax is about 40%. Also, this information doesn’t add anything to this particular discussion. I, unlike you, have lived in a minimum wage household as well as worked minimum wage jobs myself. I can assure you I paid income tax. I was able to get the majority of that refunded come tax time, but it was still income that would have served me better throughout the year versus in a lump sum at the end. Read more

 @9GTCJK9 from Louisiana disagreed…7mos7MO

Minimum wage jobs aren't meant for a person to live off of, and if the minimum wage was increased, big companies would fire more people and unemployment would increase.

 Removed by authoragreed…6mos6MO

Minimum wage should be adjusted for inflation because many individuals rely on it to make a living, and to prevent a company's exploitation of its workers.

 @9HJ9RJW from Illinois disagreed…6mos6MO

Minimum wage was meant to develop skills, not to make a living. Promote the idea of going to trade schools and earning a career while working at part time minimum wage if necessary.

 @9HJ8G5S from Texas disagreed…6mos6MO

I think that minimum wage needs to be the same no matter what, the inflation is what needs to go down and buisnesses need to stop being so greedy and wanting every last penny they can get.

 @Andrew-Leonard from Georgia commented…6mos6MO

Had to take the test for a class and rushed through this question. I totally agree with this point. Inflation is most definitely a root problem here that needs to be addressed.

 @9HJC7MP from California disagreed…6mos6MO

Adjusting the minimum wage will only make inflation worse as companies will need to compensate for the larger pay that they're giving out to their workers by increasing cost of goods.

 @9H3BT78  from Nevada agreed…7mos7MO

Adjusting it every year according to inflation would ensure that poverty does not increase and would stabilize economic growth.

 @9H3KHV2Libertarian from Arizona disagreed…7mos7MO

Higher minimum wages increase production costs, which then raises the prices of everything. Minimum wage is not meant to sustain a family, it is meant to teach someone how to work before they learn more valuable skills that merit a higher wage.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Minimum wage is not meant to sustain a family, it is meant to teach someone how to work before they learn more valuable skills that merit a higher wage.

That is historically and logically untrue. Minimum wage was explicitly designed so that EVERY worker would be guaranteed the wage to afford a quality life. The notion that minimum wage is only meant to be some kind of "starter wage" is blatantly ahistorical and anti-worker.

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

The number one rule of good economics is to not just look at the effects certain laws and programs have on favoured groups, but rather to study how they affect society as a whole. And while minimum wage laws might in theory help those lucky few workers who keep their jobs, there is much more to take into thoughtful consideration.

For starters, if the employer is forced to pay more money to each worker by the government, he will have to compensate for the extra expense by (1) reducing the numbers of workers under his care, thus reducing employment and harming a large amount of workers (2) cut…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

I find it incredibly funny that you do not recognize how all of this:

"if the employer is forced to pay more money to each worker by the government, he will have to compensate for the extra expense by (1) reducing the numbers of workers under his care, thus reducing employment and harming a large amount of workers (2) cutcorners and costs of his product, which is seldom good for quality and often makes things much more poorly-made than ever before (3) raising the prices of the goods he produces, which inevitably forces consumers (including the workers who are now earning higher wages) to…  Read more

 @9H3LHL8 from West Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

Adjusting minimum wage is bad for the economy, it makes people who go to college for a degree basically pointless if you can flip burgers for the same price as a professional.

 @9FBCYXX from Ohio agreed…9mos9MO

With inflation basic need that you need to survive are almost doubling in price within the past 3 years. Things like food, gas, and healthcare have all reisen and if we don't raise the minimum wage people will not be able to afford it.

 @9GMSSG3 from North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Every time you adjust the minimum wage, prices will go up to reflect that change, so by adjusting the minimum wage every year, you only escalate the prices each time. On top of that, this will also hurt middle-class wages since there's no law saying that the wages for them needs to go up, resulting with more people having less money and the rich won't even be affected as much.

 @9GNM464 from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

In order to prevent quality of falling for those who do work minimum wage jobs the minimum wage should be adjusted for inflation. When the 7.25$ an hour wage was instituted in 2009 it was worth over 10$ today.

 @9H2VQD8 from Georgia disagreed…7mos7MO

Increasing the minimum wage does nothing to mitigate the scarcity of resources that leads to price inflation while simultaneously driving up the cost to manufacture finished goods, resulting in a vicious cycle of inflation without meaningful wage growth

 @9GZPHW5 from Texas disagreed…7mos7MO

We are only decreasing the value of the dollar. Inflation makes hard work harder and feeds big corporations

 @9GLBS8PGreen  from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

In our capitalistic society, corporations will never fail to deprive citizens of their basic human rights. Soulless CEOs would gladly make a family go without food for increased profit margin. Also, Congress is slow and known for bickering, so we wouldn't have to constantly fight for human rights every decade or so.

 @9GLKXMW from Minnesota disagreed…8mos8MO

raising the federal minimum wage is gonna make it worse for the family's who are already struggling, raising the minimum wage is gonna raise prices, increase inflation and people who arent as necessary are gonna get cut. if you live in america you have the oppurtunity to make more than minimum wage, there just choosing not to.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Prices going up are not the fault of wages being raised for poor people, it's the fault of business owners who want to increase/maintain their own personal profits. All workers should be paid at least a living wage, regardless of job or position.

Secondly, how do you expect every person working a minimum wage job to get a better one? Not only are there simply not enough high-paying jobs available for everyone who would want one, but also the fact that the millions of currently low-paying jobs are still incredibly important, even essential, for society. If you agree that low-wage jobs are important, but you also believe that the workers who do those jobs deserve to be poorly compensated, then you're just a bad person...

 @9G6N9XT from California agreed…8mos8MO

The minimal wage should be increased and adjusted each year according to inflation as every individual should be able to provide for their family, pay their bills, and be able to afford basic needs without having to worry about whether their next paycheck will cover the amount of money they have spent on essentials.

 @9GL693D from New York agreed…8mos8MO

Inflation has significantly increased, hence the increased demands for federal government entitlement programs. When the wage is increased to a reasonable living wage, we don't need to spend as much on these entitlement programs and can restrict who we let use them.

 @9GLB654 from North Dakota agreed…8mos8MO

As inflation goes up every year the minimum wage needs to too. That’s they only way some of these people can stay alive and otherwise it’s not fair to them.

 @9H4R84VPeace and Freedom from South Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

If you adjust it every year according to inflation, inflation will respond to that increase creating a never ending loop of inflation rates.

 @9GM43G7Green from California agreed…8mos8MO

Minimum wage should be a liveable wage that changes with inflation. This is because people working should be able to live comfortably without having to worry about being evicted or going hungry because their job pays them barely any money.

 @9FWTVH3 from Oklahoma agreed…8mos8MO

Inflation has increased by 6.5% since last year and inuit wage seems to have hardly increased at all so we must figure out a solution and raise the wages for minuim workers.

 @9FZQTVP from Alaska agreed…8mos8MO

Minimum wage has barely changed within the past few decades, housing in all forms has become many times more expensive. College tuition goes up every year. Access to food stamps and other financial support is harder to get access to and or qualify for. The qualifications for jobs are only increasing. It only seems right that the minimum wage increase as well.

 @9FWPD87 from North Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

I went to the store the other day to buy some groceries and I bought under 10 common grocery items. It came around $50 at checkout. Minimum wage is 7 dollars an hour in most states. Pay us more. Simple.

 @9G8FC5L from South Carolina disagreed…8mos8MO

A big factor on inflation IS the minimum wage, so if we adjust the minimum wage due to inflation every year, it will only affect inflation even more.


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