Try the political quiz

5 Replies

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

We literally formed societies in the first place so that many people could come and work together to provide for each other, so that everyone could benefit from the production, labor, skills, knowledge, and care of everyone else in society, infinitely more than any one individual could achieve alone. Privatization destroys that by excluding society's resources, production, knowledge, etc. away from the rest of society and into the hands of a few private interests for their own personal gain. This is a terribly anti-societal, anti-democratic, and blatantly detrimental means of organizing…  Read more

 @9F7JDRQ from New York agreed…9mos9MO

Worker ownership of the means of production means bringing democracy to an incredibly hierarchical and authoritarian system—the workplace—and giving autonomy and control of workspaces to the people who operate them, not the people with the capital to buy the means of production and own the labor of working people. It also means bringing equality to the means of distribution and raising the quality of life for all people as opposed to our current system where quality of life is a commodity afforded only to those who can purchase it.


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